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Text. impossibly February 25 2011, 05:49:17 UTC
It's delicious. If she even survives. Normal activities. Strange things. Gift hair mama souls call furniture Emily dreams escalating losses. Food. You can be happy. Too late. interesting. embarrassed. play with me seizure afraid to leave my house bloody bedsits ten guess locket.


Text lumenrelegandus February 25 2011, 06:48:33 UTC


Text impossibly February 25 2011, 06:51:15 UTC


Text lumenrelegandus February 25 2011, 06:53:21 UTC
What of?


Text impossibly February 25 2011, 06:56:07 UTC
Shared experiences.


Text lumenrelegandus February 25 2011, 07:06:41 UTC
Ah yes - it does tend to share them. Sometimes uninstructed, which for a tool is an anomaly


Video impossibly February 25 2011, 07:12:47 UTC
[abruptly, there's a girl on the screen. not in the most amazing shape: bags under her eyelids and tangled hair. wherever she is, there's not enough light to see, and her features are blurred with shadow.]

It boomerangs.


Video lumenrelegandus February 25 2011, 07:26:26 UTC
[the man obligingly following her onscreen doesn't look much better: pallid, tired-looking, unnaturally aged; that his face is also scarred is an afterthought.

All of which may have something to do with why he's examining her image with something instantly… (familial?) in his eyes.]



Video impossibly February 25 2011, 07:30:13 UTC

[a flash of childish guilt, her eyes sliding away for a moment before she confesses:]

Threw it out the window.


Video lumenrelegandus February 25 2011, 07:33:49 UTC
[had not expected something that literal. Doesn't laugh; does smile. He confides back:]

When I first got here I accidentally broke all the windows.


Video impossibly February 25 2011, 08:46:08 UTC
Better than the alternative.


Video lumenrelegandus February 25 2011, 08:59:55 UTC
[though belatedly wondering how literally-and just how-the forge "boomeranged"; and which "alternative" she means-break windows deliberately? have windows break me?-he leaves them for now. Some kind of connection now established, he risks indulging in the concern.]

Did you just arrive? Are you [the simplest aspect of "okay", universally considered the most actionable] hungry?


Video impossibly February 25 2011, 09:09:03 UTC
[the alternative to arriving here?]

Food and I have a difficult relationship.

[but she smiles a little anyway.]

I like fruit?


Video lumenrelegandus February 26 2011, 00:13:23 UTC
[alternative to arriving // does she know his…?]

[difficult relationship // Is sorry to hear that, though still not quite able to ask exactly what that means or suggest help. Even early to want to help, really, but how could one not?

So many questions, but unlikely to be useful to try and force answers.]

I'm headed to the public market. I could send you the map, if you'd like to be shown around, perhaps pick up some supplies.

[Alas for Ms. Summers and her gift baskets. Would be too intrusive coming from most people other than her. But accompanying around the market was something he'd done for Hope.]


Video impossibly February 27 2011, 03:37:40 UTC
Explorers are required to stay well supplied.

[she bites her lip; nods]

It has a genus; does it have a name?


Video/text inset lumenrelegandus February 27 2011, 06:58:37 UTC
[A text inset pops into the corner of his video: the promised link, with added directions. His eyes had flickered away from hers to program it, but that doesn't detract from his smile.]

Remus. And you?


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