[Video] Secret(?!) Admirer.

Feb 12, 2011 22:27

[The forge springs to life. It springs because, like, spring is the time f... oh, nevermind.

Junpei looks confused. Or worried. Maybe ill. It's hard to tell.]


[There's quite a long pause.]

Um, Irene?

[He looks off-camera for a long moment.]

What the hell, Lady? What is this?

[The camera pans slowly around. His mattress has been brutally impaled by a large sword. Also impaled by the sword? Hearts. Not those perfectly-symmetrical paper things. Real hearts. Hearts that came out of only-God-knows, bloody and numbering around seven. Maybe six-and-a-half; a couple are pretty mangled. The mattress is pretty bloody, as well.

Also, if you're paying attention... oh wait, Junpei's zooming in on them: Panties. Black, slightly lacy panties, just dangling from the guard like they belong there.]

Are these yours?

I mean... all of these! The sword... the hearts... the- *GULP*.

[The camera swings back to Junpei.]

Dude, are you there? [He looks quite... terrified.]

[The camera jostles a bit as Junpei gets out of bed. He rubs his eyes. It seems he's just woken up and was greeted by the...]


[The camera jumps and shows the living area. There are a few large holes in the walls of Junpei's apartment. HEART-SHAPED holes.]



Guys? Has anyone seen Irene?

[The camera is facing Junpei again. His face is a little red. He doesn't look too happy.]

And what's that smell?

[Junpei's walking. The camera turns again.

Junpei doesn't have much of a kitchen, but what little he has is filled with a large black charred chunk of something that was probably once alive. In what used to be its mouth is a big red fruit of some kind. On the counter, there is a wooden bucket filed with produce, along with some random bottles of pink liquid. ]

I... what the hell?

[He sighs, deep and long. The camera returns to Junpei's face. He's scratching his head.]

What the hell?

yuu kanda, -event: heartbreaker, !junpei iori, hermione granger

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