
Feb 03, 2011 21:16

Ah, I hope the next time statues decide to roam around the city, they'll be so kind as to not settle in the center ring. I don't appreciate stone womanly parts stealin' the show. Although ticket sales are up. And it does give Birdy a place to sit, among other things.

[He chuckles.]

Looks like a few newcomers have made it to our side of the hill. Welcome! I'm Joker, the leader of a humble little circus here. I'm also always in the market for new entertainment, so don't worry about bein' modest! I'm really in the market for a sword swallower, though I'll have to find ya a sword. Or maybe one of those silver-eyed gals might loan ya theirs. ...Though I would suggest limberin' up before ya tried. Those are some mighty wide blades.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lady to scrub clean. To think, just a couple of days ago she coulda done it herself...

yachiru kusajishi, !joker, sebastian michaelis

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