>> 7 {video}

Jan 30, 2011 13:41

{Have a distinctly irritated doctor, peering into a Forge that is, in all likelihood, fastened to the wall beside the clinic desk with all the tapes and glues and other adhesives he could pilfer from the Arena stash. It still wiggles though, struggling, utterly unaware as to how fortunate it is to still be in one solid piece.}

{Now, masked as he is, the only real visual sign of said irritation is a tense, rigid posture and the incessant tapping of gloved fingertips on the tabletop. He's not been this vexed since getting randomly goosed by one of Firenze's less desirable street dwellers, the woman's name roughly translated into English as "Horseface Helmina". Girl had quite the grip.}

I'll not be verbose with this. I'll merely ask that it stop.

{And there it goes, a roll of cloth bandage sailing through the air behind him, followed by another from the other side. Another. Another. Obviously by the draping of gauze and bandage already crisscrossed throughout the room behind him, this has been going on for some time.}

{One explanation could be that the clinic's been raided by rampant, adolescent TPers, though anyone watching likely knows what's up... that is, if their Forge hasn't booked it for Honolulu by now.}

I didn't want to complain at first. Really. I dismissed it as a prank or the isolated workings of someone's... magics... {Still not used to using that word in serious context, nope.} but I can see now that it's city wide.

{Cue the tongue-depressor-now-shuriken spinning up from behind, ricocheting off his hat and out of view.}

Is patience really a virtue?

{Eking into view, the bell of a stethoscope peeks up from the edge of the desk, just to the man's left. It turns, almost looking at him, then faces the Forge again. Figuring it safe, the thing pulls itself up on the surface, hauling a body of steel and rubber tubing across until it sits before him.}

{The doctor stares at it, unmoving.}

{With the headpiece lying flat, the bell lifts itself up in the air, swaying back and forth almost whimsically, akin to a cobra's dance.}

... hilarious. Twenty minutes ago, you were trying to strangle me to death.

{Mmm. No worries, doc. Where the stethoscope failed, the scalpels may succeed.}

!malfatto, john

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