6th Profile [ Video]

Jan 16, 2011 21:30

[There's the sounds of something fumbling and the Forge, which had first been pointing at a ceiling when it clicked on, is sent on a whirlwind of color and shapes (hope no one has motion sickness!) before it settles again, someone hissing out in pain as it does so ( Read more... )

spike, balthier, sousuke aizen, !spencer reid, priscilla

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samianscar January 17 2011, 05:05:28 UTC
[the door opens behind him and Spike's framed in the doorway.

He's been tearing around the real world and the forgeworld, more ably in one than the other, ever since the call first went up. He's been tracking her scent, with more difficulty than usually 'cause it's oddly diffused; but finally arrived here.

But before he notices where here is, he hears her name over his forge. He grabs it up, as at anything that might be remotely related, and stares into it at Reid's image-missing the real Reid metres away.]

Why? What happened? Was she with you? [when whatever happened to you happened 'cause that would mean it also happened to her fuckfuckfuckGAH?

Then he happens to see his own image behind Reid's in the forgescreen. He blinks, looks up, and notices that he's in the same room as in the post… and in fact in the room with the guy posting. He blinks, tosses his forge aside, and goes right to Reid, helping him a bit more off the floor.]

…Well, that answers one question.

What happened?!


threedoctorates January 17 2011, 05:31:45 UTC
[Just sort of blinks at the new person, because he doesn't think he's met this guy before and ooooooh, head injuries, ow and swallows once to try and focus himself.]

She said... she wanted to try something and wanted to me to help her. She said that I was all about learning and profiling and that it was sort of a profile about her.

[There's another pause as he tries to organize his thoughts.]

She was doing some sort of spell I think. I'm not entirely too sure, I didn't get a chance to ask and I know magic from Las Vegas, not... that. [Said with an awkward hand gesture.] Nothing happened and then everything was green.


[video/action] samianscar January 17 2011, 05:40:47 UTC
[sits with a thud on the floor beside him.


The totally trashed floor.


With magical supplies howthehellhe hadn't noticed before.

Green. Spell. Magic. Profile about her.

Radiating out from… an explode-y… pattern…

The dissipated scent. Electrified.

Fucking green.

For a moment, sitting in the rubble next to a total stranger, and a human, and to Spike's eyes a wimpy one, Spike looks like he's going to cry.

Then he looks like he wants to kill Reid.

Then he swipes his face with one hand, levers himself off the floor, and hooks his hands under Reid's arms.]

C'mon, mate. Let's get you to the Clinic. You didn't know. But you can't do anything now.

[where they'd fix his head and give him a few minutes to remember stuff and then he was bloody well going to tell Spike much more than that.

As an afterthought, Spike scowls down into Reid's forge, still transmitting.]

Yo, Hawkeye. Call off the search. They're not gonna find her.


[video/action] threedoctorates January 17 2011, 05:51:55 UTC
Wait..... waitwaitwaitwait...

[And Reid's shaking his head, even though it's making him dizzy, his words starting to string and slur together that it almost sounds like one.]

[Then he forces himself to say one coherent sentence, his hands reaching up to grab at Spike's arms and long fingers closing over them, somewhat strong for a skinny geeky kid. This is important to him.]

What happened to her?


[video/action] /more editspam! (Sorry!) samianscar January 17 2011, 06:11:09 UTC
[Spike grabs back at the arms grabbing him, and for a moment they're almost wrestling]

What happened is she's a bloody human teenager in a world without a parent, or anybody to hover over and tell her not to do bloody stupid things, like sodding magic, and the nearest this blasted world gave her to anybody like that was me and that clearly wasn't any fucking good!

[He lets go of Reid abruptly. But will catch him if so doing imbalances him.

Sitting with a thud back down beside Reid, Spike exhales very, very slowly. His eyes stay fixed on the spot on the floor, from which chaos radiates.]

She was too worried about what she used to be. Ever since… no, not since she dreamed… always. She was worried about… having been that. So she mucked about with [the word sounds like a curse from his mouth] magic.

She wasn't born as a human kid. She was made human. She started as a… ball of green energy.

[ducks his head again. Finally raises it and glares at Reid. Through a tear or three.] So. You might have some weird radiation poisoning or ( ... )


[video/action] /tags here instead, whee~ threedoctorates January 17 2011, 06:25:32 UTC
[Had Reid been in his right mind, Spike would be getting a lecture about the development of a teenager's brain and reasons for why they do the things they do. Instead, however, he'll get one FBI agent blinking blankly at him.]

[His mind isn't processing things they way it normally does. So he grabs for the one thing he can and goes with it.]

[Because Dawn is like the little sister he's never had and while he knows all this new information about her, it still doesn't change that.]

But that's... she's still Dawn.

[Doesn't even realize he slipped, calling her by her first name.]

[And then he's starting to feel woozy and he knows that if any of his team was here, they'd make him go. And he really doesn't have the energy or the strength to argue if Spike decides to haul his ass there.]

... I... all right.


[video/action] samianscar January 18 2011, 02:58:33 UTC
[Somehow Reid's dazed response is what finally makes Spike stand, stalk to the other side of the room, and keep his face to the wall as he has a bit of a cry.

Because damn is it so what Dawn needed to hear.

Swiping his face on his sleeve (that poor abused leather) he turns and belatedly takes one more look around the room. An item or two sucker punch him to the gut, but he's done reacting outwardly for now. Only crosses the room back toward Reid, and en route swipes up the book to stick it in his pocket.

His hand stops just shy of her clock-shoes. It may or may not visibly tremble before he withdraws it: leave them where they are.

Returns to Reid, links his arm under the doctor's, and helps him to his feet. If Reid should pass out on him, he'll just carry the guy outright, but for now, making Reid staying conscious enough to try and plod is probably a good idea. Who knows. Spike doesn't feel like he knows anything.]


[video/action] threedoctorates January 18 2011, 06:39:50 UTC
[Let's Spike lead him along, trying to keep himself awake. He's trying to distract himself by trying to make himself remember what had happened, hoping to give the other better answers then he already had.]

Right before.... right before I hit... whatever... I think she wondered if 'this means yes'. I'm not sure... whatever it was she was talking about, but....

[Let's his voice trail off.]


Re: [video/action] samianscar January 19 2011, 04:58:04 UTC
[The vague possibility of imagining exactly what had happened, what it had looked like, felt like, to Dawn, hits like a brick wall behind the eyes. Spike shakes his head once, violently, and keeps plodding. Can't. Just can't.

He throws his focus, ferociously, to Reid, and glances over.] You look like hell, mate. Can you make it?

[There's a small possibility some bit of the gnawing in his stomach is due to the smell of free-flowing blood so close to his face.]


[video/action] threedoctorates January 19 2011, 05:12:51 UTC
[Have a shaky nod, before his face pales as he realizes that moving his head too much like that is probably not a good thing.]

Had worse.


[action] (forges forgotten in room or back in pockets by now. Let's say pocketed w. book ;-) ) samianscar January 19 2011, 13:04:55 UTC
Good… I guess…

'Course you probably can't tell 'til you've had it checked, really.

[Realises that might be demoralising. But what's moralising about any of this…]


[action] threedoctorates January 20 2011, 03:31:58 UTC
[Lets out a humorless chuckle. The truth mist is a wonderful thing. And he doesn't even realize he's saying it.]

Got kidnapped once. Unsub had... three personalities. Two of them tortured me for two days.


[action] samianscar January 20 2011, 18:12:30 UTC
[like he's just found out they belong to the same club] Hey, yeah? Me too. …Well, technically I guess it wasn't personalities so much as awakened shared memories… possession, thing… but I did get my hands hacked off.

[strange thing to say when he's obviously got both hands and is using them to keep Reid upright as they trudge hastily Clinicward. This seems good, though; Reid seems a bit more awake, and walking quicker, so keep him talking.]


[action] .... this might end up being one of the strangest friendships ever. threedoctorates January 21 2011, 22:10:35 UTC
[Just have Reid blinking at you and then a pointed look at the hands holding him up.]

You still have them.


[action] WOOT! :D One can hope! samianscar January 22 2011, 03:03:18 UTC
Well, no, got 'em sewn back on, didn't I. Bit a mystical shamany do, that. And you?


[action] threedoctorates January 22 2011, 05:47:29 UTC
[It takes a minute, as Reid's still staring at Spike's hand, his mind trying to figure out how'd that work, but hey, if they can do face transplants and part of him says that it remembers reading something about hand transplants and for some reason the fact that he can't remember the exact article he read and recite it verbatim doesn't bother him as much as it should.]

[Maybe that's the concussion talking.]

Ah... I shot him.


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