When we're here...do we go on where we come from? We're not replaced with a very convincing double?
And if we're in both places at once...do we ever gain memories of what is the future for us? Do we ever get a chance to change it?
I'm hardly a philosopher. I don't know if anyone could even know these things...but theories would be welcomed.
Private to Elena )
…'cause he really friggin' wants to know, that's why. Someone might have something relevant.
Probably not. But still.]
I don't think it's a double.
But I think we go on in both.
Seems to be so for a friend of mine, anyway.
She came here before me. …I mean to say, we're from the same world, same timeline, and in that, she remembers coming here three years before I did.
Meanwhile, I remember her still in our world for two of those three years.
When I first got here, I figured this one must not be really her. Someone or something playing silly buggers, imitating her.
But it's really her. Know it in my blood.
The one back home was really her, too.
So if there are parallel universes with parallel us…es… then they're not "doubles", they're… sod, I don't know anything about… physics or whatever dimensions are. They're reflections of us. Protrusions. Of our multidimensional aspects. [And that's a term he can only dredge up thanks to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.]
I think Anatole grabs a shard of us and splits us in pieces.
All the pieces are us.
Hard to think there's really another me running about anywhere without my telling, but maybe it only applies to…
[Huh, actually means this in more than one way, now-]
…the living.
[those with a pulse and ongoing timelines]
I don't suppose any copies of the same person have shown up?
I dunno… maybe it just means the "real us" extends further than we can think.
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