[ 35 - voice ]

Dec 14, 2010 21:51

Hm. Snow.

[Here's a voice that hasn't been heard much on the network for awhile. And he sounds...better than he did the last time. Less hollow. Maybe even a little reflective.]

I remember the last time it snowed in Anatole. The sky was dark, then. I wonder if that will happen again.

It was also the first time Teresa asked to meet me in person. [What an odd thing to remember out of the blue. His tone makes an amused little hum.]

Things have certainly changed in a year.

Private to Riza


...Thanks. I'll repay the money you spent.

Private to Priscilla

My apologies for the extended absence. Should you still have need for me, I am ready to return to the Patrol now. [Well, no, not really he's not. But he will. He has to pay back Hawkeye.]

...And thank you. [He doesn't specify for what.]

Private to Elena

I did not realize you'd contacted me in my absence. Apologies for the inconvenience. Should any fights you'd previously arranged not have been canceled, I would like to resume them.

Private to Lust


...Hn. If you were hoping for a repeat of...that incident, I'm afraid that wouldn't be possible. [At least. While he's sober. :|]

Nonetheless...[Pause. Sigh. He...does owe her this much.]

I appreciate that you did not take advantage of my incapacitation the other day.

[That's sincerity there, as strained as it is. It would be much easier to him to just keep seeing her as the monster that tried to kill him more than once, but he can't deny the fact that she could've killed him easily that day while he was drunk off his ass, and didn't. That's important for someone as paranoid as Scar.]

Private to Senji

[...Aaaand his voice is a little sharper now. Not particularly angry, just a bit annoyed.]

I hope you enjoyed your little prank.

[Not that he knows for sure it was him, but he can think of only two other people who would have signed him up, and if Lust had done it she wouldn't have backed out after Hawkeye's bidding, and he's fairly certain Zack would have either warned him or dropped a hint or two about it. Plus, with that last post...Senji is pretty much at the top of the list of suspects.]

You'll surely enjoy getting punched for it just as much.

senji "crow" kiyomasa, roy mustang, lust, riza hawkeye, !scar

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