
Dec 13, 2010 12:38

You know what they say, a picture's worth a thousand words, so... here.

[Iris will non-challantly raise a piece of paper to the camera. First, it's too close, so the image is a dark and blurry mess, but then she pulls it back carefully, until you can all see her... masterpiece.]

These are my friends.

... I really wanted to keep lookin' for 'em, but it's gettin' cold outside. Looks like I'm stuck for now. [She lowers the paper just a bit to steal a curious glance over the right corner of the paper.]

Hey, Yachiru? Do ya know where I can find some trees for firewood?

If there're any trees here, anyway.

Kibago-kibaaa! [It's a sad little cry, with a noticable quiver to it.

Iris turns around, setting down the paper.

She slips off her backpack and fishes out a pale yellow cloth to wrap her shivering little friend up.] C'mon, it's okay, it's just a little cold! You'll get used to it in no time.

[She smiles down at Kibago, stroking the baby dragon's head as it nestles into the cloth. Then, she raises her head.] Oh, right!

[She turns back to the Forge.] Bye~! [And off it goes.]

yachiru kusajishi, !iris

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