Dec 12, 2010 07:15
[An upside-down Iris is calling for your attention now. Is that the sky behind her? Never mind. The recording might not be too clear because it sounds awfully windy where she is, but she'll take care of that in a second, as she's taking in a deep breath...]
Alright, everybody, LISTEN UP!!
Has anybody seen my friends?!
Their names are Satoshi and Dent! The first's always thinking about food and the second always thinks of everything like food.
[After a moment, she realizes that won't be very helpful to someone who's never met either of them before.]
Satoshi's this kid from Kanto with a baseball cap and his Pikachu's always following him everywhere. He loves to battle and you'll recognize him because he's such a kid and always doing things recklessly!
[... so says the girl perched on the edge of some high building or another. Right. Bear with her here.]
He comes through in a pinch, though, and he's not bad at strategy... sometimes.
Oh, right, some of you don't know what Pokemon are... Pikachu is the Mouse Pokemon. They're about this big [she holds her hands at about the width of her face, which looks MUCH larger than your average rodent!
Wonder if they're any relation to the rodents running a rampage earlier?]
And Dent, he's a Pokemon Sommalier! He used to be a Gym Leader along with his two brothers, Pod and Corn, over at the Sanyou Gym?
You can tell he's a Pokemon Sommalier 'cause he thinks of e~very thing in terms of flavours and fragrances! It's really kind of funny, but kind of tiring sometimes...
Anyway, he dresses like a waiter with an apron and everything- and he almost never gets dirty, I swear it's the weirdest thing- and he's got green eyes and hair.
He's always gotta cook everything before he eats it too!
So, have you seen them? [She finally swings back up to sit up properly, taking the Forge up with her, giving you a blurry mess before a view of her the right way around.
Now she and Kibago, who just popped out, are giving you equally hopeful looks.]