♖ 005; video. (locked to self)

Dec 08, 2010 23:12

Lightning. [She can't hear this. Maybe she won't, ever. He carries on anyway, because it's some way to hold onto the others, and if he's never going to see them again, he needs something.]

I wanted to check in for an update. Let... let you guys know about my progress here.

[This is definitely a military kind of thing to do, right? Reports, updates, information. It's organised, responsible, the sort of thing an efficient soldier would do. Maybe Lightning wouldn't do this, exactly, but it's something.]

I've been in Anatole for thirty days. It seems like longer. A lot of stuff happens here, but it's not like Cocoon or Pulse at all. [His voice drops.] Maybe that's a good thing.

[And he clears his throat.] Even after all this time, my brand hasn't changed. I guess that's-- I mean, that's good. Wherever this place is, it doesn't look like our Focuses matter.

[He has to clench his jaw for a second. Wherever -- whenever they are, the others have to be okay, right? If something had happened, he'd know?

Thinking about that isn't the point. Be strong. Remember how to be strong, Hope.


Since I got here I've signed up for the Patrol, to protect the city, and the Clinic. So far it looks like being a l'Cie might be a good way to help people. It's... it's a pretty nice change.

[And awkward silence for a few beats, before he rushes to get rid of it.] Uh. I-- I try to do training whenever I can. It's not the same as being in the Ark or... on the Steppe, but I think I'm doing okay.

[And finally, a bit of a smile. His tone turns to understated amusement.]
Right now... right now there are these rats. They talk, wear jewelry... [he trails off, but his voice has a note of amusement.] I think Vanille would get a kick out of them. Uh, u-until one of them tried to steal her bracelets, probably. Then maybe Fang would get a kick out of them. [And make them apologise, too. She's pretty intense.]

[He's silent for a long while. The hand that isn't holding his Forge is pressed against his forehead, until he lets it slide down with a sigh.

Come on, Hope. You've gotta see this through.

Finally he speaks again, and he's trying to be more business-like.]

That's all I've got to report. I'm fine, and... things are weird here, but I'm doing whatever I can to help things work better.

I hope you guys are all okay. Wherever you are.

[Feed ends.]

!hope estheim

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