I think this is more than acceptable.
[Okay, so forwarded to every forge near you, the following out of context reply. And yeah, that's totally video of Zack's ass.]
I don't wear armor, not really. Just the shoulder guards, and the stomach wrap. Not reeeeal armor.
But--but you can regen--gren--grow your stuff back! You don't need to worry 'bout armor, right?
[And he blinks. Huh?]
Uh, no? Well, I mean, when Angeal's not home and I forgot my clothes on the bed when I take a shower and then I have to walk around, but I usually have my towel on still so I don't think it coun--
[Date. Date Priscilla. Volunteered him? AND Angeal?]
How-how many people are in this contest?! She's not dating them all! She's--She's my sis--she's LIKE my sister!
But...But I wanna have a say in who, too. Soneome--someone who doesn't cut off her arms. Definitely. Right?
[And then he just stares. Side view or not, but damn. Damn. His throat clicks as he swallows, and his face is turning a beautiful and alarming shade of red.]
When--when are you having a contest, huh? Can...can I volunteer for that instead?
[So, Zack takes this moment to give tit for tat...or ass for tit as the case may be. The video clicks on, and have a picture of Zack's tight boxer-clad ass. And, as if there was any doubt of whose ass it might be, his boxers are decorated with cactuar.
[And the voice is back on a second later.]