[ Text 001 ]

Dec 05, 2010 00:49

So, this timeworn little town is called Anatole, huh?

Can't say that I've ever heard of it before. At first mention I thought that it might be one of Shin-Ra's new development sites, but after taking a closer look at things, I think it's safe to conclude that there's no real relation between this place and Shin-Ra at all. For starters, the (near-to) complete lack of Shin-Ra personnel is a dead giveaway, but beyond even that...well, you know.

There's a lot of folks saying that the "Door" in the center of the city is responsible for us winding up here; plenty of folks I've asked are saying it's because of the Mist, too, or a pair called "The Twins." As for me, I'm not really sure what to believe. The Door doesn't exactly lead anywhere, the Mist is nearly impenetrable, and the Twins...they're rumored to be just a couple of kids, aren't they?

...Anyway. The point is, I'm not sure how I've wound up here, or if "here" is even still on Gaia. The last thing that I recall is the complete freakout that happened at HQ, when there were all those rumors circulating about the SOLDIER legend. Got me thinking of...coming back from Fort Condor those years ago, and receiving a personnel announcement from General Affairs regarding changes in status. I'll never forget what it said.

Two infantrymen had died, and...two SOLDIERs, first class, were killed in action.

It's probably a random shot in the dark, but if anyone out there knows anything about any of that, I'd be really grateful to you if you could fill me in. And if not, any information regarding this place would be appreciated, too. I've already come across the how-to guide to the Forge (courtesy of that tech junkie, Matt), Duncan's guide to Anatole, a map of the city, as well as that network broadcast by Mello (who's not very mellow at all if you ask me), but that can't be all that there is...or is it? For example, what's the deal with all of these rats? It's not everyday you see them walking on twos and armed to the teeth with explosives. Actually, come to think of it, I can't say that I've ever seen a rat armed with explosives before...

Well, anyway...if you need to reach me, I'll be familiarizing myself with the town some more, but I'll have my Forge at the ready.

This can't be right.

...Angeal Hewley. Sephiroth. And...Zack Fair.

They're all...alive? They're here?

It looks like Tseng is, too (as well as some other Turk named Elena), and that infantryman, Cloud Strife, who went with Zack to Nibelheim.

What the heck is going on?

At least I've managed to contact Zack and confirm his identity. Maybe he'll clarify for me the situation regarding the others. No...I know that he will.

elena, hope estheim, mihael "mello" keehl, !kunsel

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