007. [Text. All text. Including replies unless specified.]

Nov 25, 2009 05:23

Around this time of year, back on my home world, there's one country defrosting dead birds and making stuffing out of bread to give thanks to what-the-fuck-ever. Used to be it was a day of giving thanks to God, but these days it's more about thanking people for your game consoles and your shiny new car. How evolved we've all become.

As for us, maybe we ought to be giving thanks to the fucking fog for dragging more and more people into our happy little abode! Spread the dirty looks around, why the fuck not? Besides, keep on piling us up, and maybe the natives will really have something to glare about.

Long story short - welcome to Anatole, newer-than-new. Don't get your arse beaten to a pulp in a Dismas alleyway. Trust me when I say it's a concern.

Less if you keep your gun loaded.

[Private to Matt]

So, what are you up to in a day and a half?

souji seta, oruha, luke fon fabre, !mihael "mello" keehl, mail "matt" jeevas

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