[ voice ]

Nov 02, 2010 01:47

[Forge clicks on with a rustle, a thump-]

Hah. Twins. ...should'a known. This place is so fucked up.

[-and a groan.]

Y'know, nothing nice ever happens this time of year. Must have somethin' to do with the dates. This old guy on Atia gave me a name for it, but I can't remember it. [Naruto's voice is muffled, exhausted.] Something to do with dead people.

[Most rustling. Sounds like someone is on a bed.] My dad's ghost followed me around once. Same date. ... freaked me out. Itachi came and helped. It's weird when I think about it now. He had his own ghosts.

[There is a long pause and then, oddly wistful. ] Kinda hard to believe that was two years ago. [Another stretch of silence, another long one.]

I have a... calligraphy thing to finish. [With that the Forge clicks off.]

!naruto uzumaki, ichigo kurosaki, lucian

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