[voice] Chapter 1, verse 5 - prologue to All Saint's Day

Oct 29, 2010 03:05

When yer a' daene with "festivities" [He almost spits the word out. He doesn't trust those two, who just watch them. And has no need to attend this "party" they are having.] ah'm havin' ae special service a' St. Anthony's fer a' who wish tae attend.

It's All Saint's Day. Ae time tae remember those yeh've laest, tae honor the deid.

There'll beh the usual A' Saint's service. There'll also beh an alter set up, fer yeh who wish tae light ae candle aer two faer yer laest loved ones.

Service starts aet 9:30. The altar'll beh up a' day, openin' a' soonrise.

Tae a' yeh non-believers, [He really struggled to not say "heathen" instead.] even yeh are welcaeme.

[This is a very significant thing, at least to him.]

dawn summers, !alexander anderson

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