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[action] lumenrelegandus November 12 2010, 22:50:13 UTC
[takes a deep breath. Oh Merlin this is idiotic. Moony was tamed by the dog, stag and rat. But there's no telling it'll be anything like that with… But it's worth a shot? Maybe?

God he hoped he wasn't using Heine just to test himself.

Too late to worry now.

Closing his hand around his wand, he Banished it to several seconds out of sync with real time,1 so he could get the wand back relatively quickly but no one else could take it.

Then he let the pangs that had started due to the stress of the situation… go free.

When he was allowing it, the transformation wasn't quite as unpleasant as when resisting. The worst part was the horror of madness, but even the physical sensations were eased somewhat.

He had, of course, not provided for ever seeing that jacket again. Not that it was such a stylish garment anyway… bizarre to be thinking words like "garment" in this state, usually it was more ouch damnation moonlight kill aroo…

The Wolf stood, with strangely human hesitance, upright, and flexed its shoulders. And regarded Heine-with humanly sane eyes.

Its voice wasn't the man's, exactly… too like a… well, wolf's… but it was still Lupin.]

Shall we meet properly, then?

1[[OOC: There's probably some dreadful penalty for combining HP with Doctor Who…]]


[action] remodeled_dog November 13 2010, 17:15:09 UTC
[He tilts his head to one side, crouched animal-like on the table, fingers curling into fists, nails digging into his palm, making tiny cuts that heal over in seconds.

Wait, and he listens, this time, red eyes wide and curious. Because Mother would like to know about this strange new thing, wouldn't she? This strange... man. Wolf.


He nods to himself, because he knows, even without the Dog, that he is in danger of being torn to pieces. Not that it would matter, because he would piece himself back together.

But Heine smiles anyway, white teeth and white hair, a wild beast in a young man's body, and moves.]

Why not.

[Jaws snap and he's not afraid - it's not afraid - of this man-beast (werewolf) fighting back.]


[action] lumenrelegandus November 13 2010, 17:45:29 UTC
[The tame man in the wolf considered the mad dog in the man.

He'd gotten the scars across his face from a dog. It was that that had finally bound them together, with a measure of sanity and safety.]

Your move.

[[OOC: I have no idea what Heine 2.0 may pull out of his sleeve. ;-) My assumptions: Lupinwolf's much bigger, maybe stronger, and has the advantage of built-in claws and teeth. But he'd be fighting defensively, trying to wear Heine out without seriously injuring him; and he'll avoid biting him at all costs. I'm really not aiming to spread lycanthropy around. Lupinwolf also can be wounded; he's tough and agile but he doesn't have Heine's regeneration powers.]]


[action] remodeled_dog November 14 2010, 13:47:44 UTC
Oh, I like that.

[He considers (that's a fucking joke we don't think oh no you think I just bite, don't forget that collar, you're still Hers) and shrugs.

And moves, hands reaching for the wolf.

Let's make a collar of blood.

Something in his neck, inside his mind shudders. He doesn't know what he's doing, he doesn't know who this is, he doesn't know why he's doing this. Only the Dog laughs and a woman's voice promises love.]

[[OOC: OH DERP I don't have his canon info on this account, do I. Sorry! In any case, even Heine 1.0 has enhanced strength (think breaking handcuffs with medium effort, ripping off limbs as a kid, biting arms off, again as a kid. Also he has resistance to sicknesses, but I don't know how getting bitten by a werewolf would affect him. I doubt it would be permanent, even if it actually got into his bloodstream - poisons get flushed out continuously. Uhh. We shall see! /is vague and unhelpful forever sorry]]


[action] lumenrelegandus November 15 2010, 07:20:29 UTC
[Moony grabs Heine's hands with the intent to knock them aside, and finds instead that Heine's about his match in strength. They grapple. Moony doesn't, yet, deploy his claws.]


[action] remodeled_dog November 15 2010, 22:23:11 UTC
[The strength doesn't surprise him - it shouldn't, because he's prepared (Mother prepared you for everything) and yet something makes him snarl.]

Where are your teeth?


[action] lumenrelegandus November 16 2010, 05:52:19 UTC
[sounding a bit less human] Not needed.

[he bares his claws and digs them into Heine's arm, breaking them out of the grapple]


[action] remodeled_dog November 16 2010, 22:38:40 UTC
[Ahh, there's the blood that the Dog has been crying for -- but it would be better if it were his -- so he grins and digs his fingers into the man-wolf's arm, all unnatural strength and low laughter.]

Oh, we'll see.


[action] lumenrelegandus November 17 2010, 23:19:35 UTC
[tries to shake him off. Failing that, twists around and aims a kick at Heine's legs to knock them out from under him.]


[action] remodeled_dog November 18 2010, 00:37:42 UTC
[he doesn't expect that kick, but he recovers quickly enough, lunging upwards with the intent to dig his nails into Lupin's ribs.]


[action] lumenrelegandus November 26 2010, 06:55:27 UTC
[Lets him. The stabbing makes Moony growl in pain. But as Heine's hands are momentarily stuck, one of them is suddenly pinned between Moony's arm and flank, and Moony's other arm swings down to crack Heine a tremendous blow across the head.

(Though not intended to, Heine's cheek may be partially caught by Moony's claws.)]


[action] remodeled_dog November 26 2010, 22:37:41 UTC
[Heine snarls, raw and almost completely bestial. Even as he shakes his head, dazed, the cuts are hissing as they heal. He lunges upwards, a hand reaching for one of the guns in his belt.]


[action] lumenrelegandus November 27 2010, 04:23:41 UTC
[clubs him again, more punch than claws, trying to knock him out. If the gun hits air, he'll grab at Heine's wrist to keep him from aiming.]


[action] remodeled_dog November 27 2010, 13:45:31 UTC
[His head snaps back but with a slight effort he brings his right hand up and aims it towards Moony's ribcage and pulls the trigger, but he's still more absorbed in grinning through the dripping blood.]


[action] lumenrelegandus December 3 2010, 02:01:05 UTC
[Swipes at Heine's gun hand.

Inside the shield, the shot is deafening. The bullet hits a point mid-air, seems momentarily stuck, and slides to the ground. The shield shimmers slightly on impact, but shows no other effect.

Moony tries to get a solid hold of Heine's wrist with one hand and goes for a more vicious, raking strike across Heine's face and chest with the other. But Loop's a bit lopsided now. Blood trickles down his side where the bullet grazed him: hadn't knocked the gun quite aside enough.

Is starting to consider recovering his wand. If magic is required to keep them both alive, he'll -- as far as Heine would see it -- cheat.

Even mid-combat, some part of his mind wonders at being grateful to his wartime experience infiltrating werewolf communities. Thanks to it, he knows he can cast normal magic in wolf form. ...It just feels ridiculous.]


[action] remodeled_dog December 3 2010, 03:10:56 UTC
[The last conscious part of Heine's mind records the reaction, the invisible barrier that blocks the bullet.

The rest of his attention is focused on the claws, not so much the pain so much as the movement - steam is rising as his flesh pulls back together and the jagged wounds turn into fresh pink scars.

Trying to jam the barrel of the gun in his left hand against his collarbone, Heine bares his teeth.]

Can you do magic too?


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