/.full.\ {Broadcast Mind - Day}

Oct 22, 2010 13:31

[ Video .i. Memory ]

Tilting back his head, Lupin let the sunlight hammer his closed eyelids. Every year for three days, everything fell from inside. Happy chance this year it coincided with Moony’s latest show.

Leaves rustled beside him. He opened his eyes. A girl of four of five dressed as a grinning pumpkin was looking up at him. “What are you supposed to be?”

“A wizard,” he answered.

She scrutinised his patched jacket skeptically. “Where’s your staff?”

Lupin held out his empty hand for her to see, and Summoned a packet of toffee pops. The girl squealed. He started to hand it to her. A youngish woman carrying a fabric bag (the pumpkin’s plunder) hurried over to them. She gave Lupin scarcely a look and took the girl by the hand. “Come along, Ellie.”

He sat very still as they walked away.

.. Don’t call me that, "Remus." It’s Ellie now. ..
Levering himself upright with his cane, he walked, limping, away from the bench to the park’s northeast entrance. Halloween at the crossroads. Hadn't missed an anniversary yet.

-event: broadcast mind, !remus lupin

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