(no subject)

Oct 17, 2010 17:35

[It starts with video, focused on a young couple who appear to be in their mid-twenties. The woman has long, shiny black hair and a kind face. The man, shockingly white hair despite his young age, and eyes that have a touch of mischief in them. More noticeable is the scar down his left cheek

They seem to be working a single Forge together.

...Or trying to, anyway.]

Lenalee! I think I almost have it...just--/

[And with that name, recognition should dawn, if it hasn't already. She blinks and leans in closer.]

Oh, I think you do have it, Allen. Wait!

[It goes from video to text, then to audio in time to hear their laughter, hers bright, his a little sheepish.]

I wonder what your brother would say if he could see this. I've quite forgotten how to use it.

[Being a man of genius, of science and techology, Komui would undoubtedly be horrified at how they're struggling with the old Forge.

But he's probably been horrified by worse things, such as...ahem.

It returns to video.]

Brother? I think Mana could've figured it out faster than we did.

[Lenalee's smile softens. She's concerned, maybe even a little sad, but she hides it well.

Mothers are good at that.]

Hello? Does anyone remember us?

[Allen also smiles, and Timcampi, perched on his shoulder, also gives a grin. ]

((OOC: Allen = blue, Lenalee = violet))

!allen walker, !lenalee lee, utena tenjo

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