[ video ]

Oct 16, 2010 03:19

-d Tsuchikage is gonna to pitch a fit if I miss that meeting. So will Shikamaru.

...Is the date on this thing right? That can't be right.

[Have a sheepish Naruto. A sheepish twenty-seven year old Naruto who looks almost the same except that his face has become more angular, mature and there are faint beginnings of laughter lines around his eyes.] This thing is on, isn't it?

[Exhale.] Gotta say, this is not the place I was expecting to see when I got up this morning. I was hoping that those off-world side-trips were in the past. [Still sheepish. Maybe apologetic. At least his smile is at least. But it slides off his face quickly enough and he sobers.

Suddenly he's all business.]

Requesting any Konohagakure shinobi within Anatole to report in asap, by order of your Hokage. Outside of that, if you're part of the shinobi alliance then I'd appreciate if you could get in contact with me. Hopefully if you're here then you're tuned into this network... that's... if nothing's changed.

[A pause.] ... I'm pretty sure there's some chakra here that I recognise at least. Any familiar faces to go with that? [Another tiny smile.]

!naruto uzumaki, yuu kanda, johan andersen, lust, scar, riza hawkeye, hinata hyuuga

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