I imagine you all had your hands full with the Stigma, amongst other things, but if anyone was worried as a result of my vanishing from the radar, I apologize. It won't happen again.
[ Not like that, anyway. ]
Do I really want to know what I missed?
[ Because what she's read so far on the network isn't making much sense, and then there's that post Cloud made... she bites back something of a headache-induced 'eugh' and leaves it at that for now. She's still got a lot of network browsing to do, after all. ]
I guess the city really hasn't changed all that much since the last time I was here. There never was a dull moment, not really. Depending on who you are and where you're from, it can be either a blessing or a curse, but that's true of anywhere, I suppose.
[ The nostalgia present through her tone of voice withers and is replaced with a natural warmth and easy amicability as she turns her attention to the audience. Not too much, not too little; she's conscious of her portrayal, but easygoing about it. Suffice to say she lightens considerably as she continues to speak, not unlike someone who only just stepped into the free and open air after a period of captivity underground. ]
Good evening, Anatole! Some of you know me and some of you don't. For those of you who don't, my name is Valeria and now, you do know me, so you don't have any excuse not to drop me a line or say "hello" if you see me around.
[ A pause follows, albeit brief and quite pointed. ]
And I will be around! That being said, does anyone know who's hiring where to do what right now and is in the practice of paying at least semi-decently for the labor? The cupboard's pretty bear and lately, I've been feeling more and more like trying my hand in the kitchen.
[Private to PRISCILLA]
It's been a while, huh? I'm sorry I didn't let you know that I was back sooner. I wanted to survey the city and get a feel for any changes that had occurred before I resurfaced completely.
[ There's a pause, almost sheepish for a change. ]
It... didn't exactly go as planned, but... well, I'm back now. And I wanted to let you know.
[ A bit of the casualness dictated by her tone melts into the professionalism characteristic of a Turk for this one thing: ]
I also wanted to talk to you about rejoining the Patrol Force, if you'd be willing to have me again.
[ OOC NOTE: Backdated to WEDNESDAY in light of the impending anniversary event. ]