☩ second for the rebellion. voice;

Oct 12, 2010 01:49

[Muffled, a bit. It's accidental... OR IS IT?]

Ah. I see. [Amusement.]

Radiant as I might be, my attire would perhaps suggest that such advances are... [Ah. That is a slight, dangerous lilt to her voice] unwise.

[Background sound. A man's voice, indistinct. And then a thud, followed by a (manly) yelp.]

As I said; unwise.

[A pause, as she picks up the device and brings it closer to her mouth.] My apologies, I am not yet used to using these Forges. I'll endeavour to avoid a repeat occurrence.

[This is Galatea, reminding all Claymores how fabulous she is. Like a mature adult. 8|]

!galatea, roy mustang, riza hawkeye, helen, priscilla

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