07. [Voice]

Nov 20, 2009 04:14

I'm sorry to those of you who heard my post the other day. I... am very embarrassed. But please understand that I did mean to tell any of you that you were unwelcome or unwanted! It is only that... that...

If my vision had been real, and anyone had tried to come to my rescue, she would have killed everyone.

[There is silence, a long ( Read more... )

sakura haruno, zack fair, sasuke uchiha, senji "crow" kiyomasa, tidus, !priscilla, scar

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[Voice] sucker_punches November 20 2009, 15:59:43 UTC
There's no need to be embarrassed, Priscilla. You weren't the only one affected by it.


Can I ask... Who did you see?


[Voice] yetsleeping November 20 2009, 18:51:38 UTC

[A small pause - Priscilla struggles a little with her words.]

Her name is Teresa. She was the Organization's Number One, and for many years she was the greatest and most admired - and feared - among the Organization's warriors. Everyone said that even if you sent all 46 of the other other warriors against her, she would defeat them all without accessing her youki power. That was before I arrived, but I personally witnessed her effortless defeat of numbers three through five.


[Voice] sucker_punches November 21 2009, 08:18:35 UTC
... Was it true, that she betrayed your organization?


[Voice] yetsleeping November 21 2009, 08:23:50 UTC
She broke the rules! The Organization has one rule - you must never kill humans. It destroys everything - the tentative peace we've made with humans, all the trust we've worked so hard to build...

They're afraid of us, you know. They call us witches and monsters... The worst thing we could do is prove their fears true!

That's what she did.

So the Organization sent warriors after her but she defeated them all. So they called on numbers two through five to do what the others couldn't. I was number two. I had just been ranked.


[Voice] sucker_punches November 21 2009, 08:31:31 UTC
I can understand why your organization had that rule, if that's the case. People often hate what they don't understand.

[How well she knows that, looking at Naruto's childhood.]

You said she took out three through five... which means you were the only one left.


[Voice | Private] yetsleeping November 21 2009, 08:40:54 UTC
Yes. But I knew it would before we confronted her. Quick Sword Irene - she was Number Two until I arrived - told me I was the only reason she would be willing to face Teresa at all. She said I was the only one who could fight her. But--

They wanted to ambush her and attack her together. I don't think that's very honorable, so I chose to fight her alone. But she was--

[Priscilla pauses, and makes a little frustrated noise.]

She was more difficult than I expected. I don't really understand why. She's evil, there's no way she should have been able to win, but--

The others came in as well, but she disabled them all. So yes. It was only me. But I couldn't move. I--

It's not that I was hurt! I was the only one who wasn't hurt. But I couldn't move. I couldn't think, I just... all I could think was that I didn't want to die! And she was standing over me with her sword drawn, and--

And then I was here instead. I--

I guess I thought this was a dream, and I was back under her sword.Maybe that's where I ought to be, ( ... )


[Voice | Private] sucker_punches November 21 2009, 18:32:00 UTC
[Sakura is quiet for a moment.]

It sounds like you behaved admirably and bravely against an opponent much stronger than you.

[Maybe a bit naively, not wanting to ambush Teresa, but Sakura is a ninja, not a soldier. Shinobi press the advantages they have.]

It's natural to... to not want to die. There's no shame in that, Priscilla.

But I do understand feeling the need to go home. We all have unfinished business.

... Though depending on where I go back to, I don't really have much.


[Voice | Private] yetsleeping November 22 2009, 00:16:20 UTC
[A long, somewhat tortured pause.]

She wasn't stronger than me.

[And then she changes the subject.]

Oh, you've been in other places before, haven't you? I think I remember something like that...


[Voice | Private] sucker_punches November 22 2009, 07:07:35 UTC


I'm sorry, I didn't meant to offend you.

Yes, I've been dragged from my home to places I'm not familiar with before. It doesn't get any better the second time around.


[Voice | Private | Priscilla is like. Painfully naive.] yetsleeping November 22 2009, 08:11:15 UTC
I wasn't offended! But I need you know that it was my fault. I froze when she disabled the others. I could have beaten her, I know it! Because she's evil, and evil never triumphs. It just can't happen.

I could have beaten her, but I froze.


[Voice | Private | Bless her heart XD] sucker_punches November 22 2009, 08:31:22 UTC
... I wish I could believe that. That evil never triumphs.

[But she's seen it happen. Not just on the battlefield but within people. Including herself.]

I still don't think it was your fault.

[She sounds strangely insistent on that. Almost angry.]


[Voice | Private] yetsleeping November 22 2009, 08:38:41 UTC
You should believe it! You have to. If people don't believe that good will triumph then they may give up too easily, and that's when evil wins, Sakura!

But why do you sound so upset?


[Voice | Private] sucker_punches November 22 2009, 09:04:03 UTC
I'm not upset.

[That. Might have come out too quickly to be convincing. Have a false laugh to cover it up.]

Don't listen to me, Priscilla, I'm just a bit pessimistic these days.


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