[ video ]

Sep 29, 2010 02:44

[The Forge turns  on to show Mei, a little dirty, a little tired, but smiling despite everything that's happened. She brings her arm up and swipes it across her brow, the little panda, Xiao-Mei, mimicking her every move. She sighs, satisfied, looking over the Forge at something in front of her before her dark eyes fall on the screen. Her smile loses a few watts in brightness, but remains, still satisfied and a bit determined.]

There are many things damaged or destroyed from that monster. Has everyone made it out safely? [She didn't join. Scar surely would have been upset with her and evacuating people was a very important job. Some had to stay behind. She understood this, as much as she wanted to help. She knows very little of the end game, only that it's over and some people weren't as mean as before with their looks. She'd even gotten to help some of them, which is the actual purpose of this.]

If you need help with repairs, please contact me. I will be happy to help, free of charge.

Oh! Scar-san? I have something for you!

[Her smile brightens at this and Xiao-Mei looks pretty elated. Or as much as a panda can look elated.

The two of them bow their heads and the video ends.]

!mei chan, scar, naruto uzumaki

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