[accidental video]

Sep 06, 2010 23:49

[Hey, Anatole, look. It's a set of fingers!

. . . until the Forge tips on its side and the fingers slide off, that probably helps. Oh, look, it's a sleeping Johan! And he's totally not alone, either!

Actually, he's got his arm around a Jyuudai who's as half-dressed as he is, something easily noted under the rumply covers, and if you don't know Johan it might be a little difficult to place the feed at first because Johan's face is buried against the back of his neck. The hair probably helps, though.

Feel free to make fun of him. Or them. Or ask what the hell is going on here, that too. Any crackle of his Forge tends to wake Johan up these days, so your questions will probably be answered . . . . if he doesn't die of embarrassment first, that is.]

[ooc note: cleared with Jyuudai-mun! If you want to do a three-way thread or have Jyuudai jump in at some point, just say so.]

dawn summers, !johan andersen, heine rammsteiner, juudai yuuki

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