[Voice] Chapter 1 Verse 4

Aug 29, 2010 04:55

...is there anyone oot there tha' hasn' been changed into ae wee one?

[A pause.]

Ifin there are, can yeh help herd soome o' them into the annex o' St. Anthony's? They need tae be watched. An' given ae proper meal oor tae.

[Another pauses. This next bit is a little louder yet gentle.]Yeh hear tha' lads an' lassies ( Read more... )

zack fair, yuu kanda, !alexander anderson, l lawliet, mihael "mello" keehl

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Comments 14

Voice i_love_squats August 29 2010, 14:59:24 UTC
[Have some little kid giggles.] You talk funny.


Voice judaspaladin August 30 2010, 02:26:34 UTC
Aye. It's becoose ah've a scottsman's tongue. Yeh never heard it before?

Haew are yeh daein' lad, dae yeh need anything?

[Oh the soft spot he has for children.]


[voice] reticents August 29 2010, 15:46:38 UTC
So, just.. herd them into the church.

Sounds easy enough.

[except dealing with kids has never been Kanda's forte. nng.]


[voice] judaspaladin August 30 2010, 02:20:13 UTC
Aye. Joost bring the children here. Ah'll watch oover them.


[voice] reticents August 30 2010, 02:50:00 UTC
Where is it exactly?


[text] judaspaladin August 30 2010, 02:57:01 UTC
[A map appears on the screen. North of the patrol headquaters, west of the fairgrounds, a little off the main road. You can't miss the obvious cross though.]


[ voice ] heartbetween August 29 2010, 18:17:52 UTC
I seem to be the right age, somehow. [He laughs a little.]

I'd be happy to help out!


[ voice ] judaspaladin August 30 2010, 02:24:16 UTC
Well, tha's good. Thank yeh lad, yer a blessin'. Ah'm ready whenever yer able tae get them oover.


[voice] l_shrugged August 29 2010, 22:35:32 UTC

[L's so relieved.]

I know where several are, but I'm not familiar with the area.

[Ignore his young tone. He's not a kid. Ahem.]


[voice] judaspaladin August 30 2010, 02:13:57 UTC
Here lad. [A map appears with a big cross for where the church is.]

Oor ah can come an' find yeh. Where are yeh lad?


[voice] l_shrugged August 30 2010, 03:09:04 UTC
I am fine.

[He does note the church's location, however.]

Mmbut. There should be a child by the local School -[Daneve.]- and another by the sign that says [insert words on sign for Angeal].

I'm trying to locate another, but it's difficult. Do you know how to get in contact with the local authorities, sir?


heresygrenade August 30 2010, 00:04:52 UTC
[This takes a good long time to answer, but Oh My God, anything for a priest.]

Yeah, I'll give it a shot.


judaspaladin August 30 2010, 02:09:07 UTC
Thank yeh, lad. Good tae know soomeone's still themselves.

Ah'm worried aboot wha' the oothers might dae tae the wee ones. Stay sharp. An' gae with God.


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