(no subject)

Jun 20, 2010 18:40

Ha, seems like runnin' a one man show here would be more of a challenge than I thought. 'Specially since I'm still new.

Which is why I've put up this poster!

[The video focuses on it, just in case someone hasn't had a chance to see it for themselves.]

I could tell that some of ya really have what it takes from our little chats the other day, so I hope you'll take me up on the entrance test! If ya need a little trainin' beforehand, I'd be more than happy to help. Doubt Miss Cheer will need much of my attention, but i'm thinkin' such pretty legs will get plenty of that anyway.

Uhhh, but if yer lookin' to become the beast tamer, I'm afraid you'll just have to practice tamin' me. Least til we get some actual beasts.

Unless Miss Riza can get her pup to wear a lion costume!

And what about you, Mister Allen? Wanna give it another go?

And Mister Puppeteer, don't forget yer promise! I'm lookin' forward to yer demonstration too.

[He's looking forward to a lot of things. ...That must be why he's so damn cheerful.]

!joker, jennifer check, riza hawkeye, allen walker, nina fortner/anna liebert

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