Stop shaking your bloody Forges.
Anyone who's got one still on the fritz from the mist can bring it to the Patrol HQ and I'll take a look at it, but I'm charging extra for anyone who uses gratuitous violence on them.
I'll even throw in a free game if you promise not to abuse it anymore.
[ooc | i have permission, soooo ...who wants
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[His curiosity is piqued!]
Pastime enjoyed by people of all ages. It's great if you like mushrooms. Or hate mushrooms, I guess. Plus, it's very portable.
...What is a video game?
It's like a video that you can interact with. You've watched people on the Forge, yeah? Now imagine if you could control them, for fun. Not in a creepy way, though. That's a different game.
I might not be explaining this right.
[Video time! Behold, a thing which is like a Forge and yet clearly not a Forge, but showing a little pixelated man on the screen. Matt's hand (gloved, as usual) reaches in to tap on a few of the buttons below the screen, which causes the little man to jump around.]
[And there are beep boop noises.]
[He doesn't turn the video off then, so enjoy the muttering of Matt, off-screen.]
See? It's easy. And, er, fun, and... Jesus, this is like explaining the Playstation to my grandmother. Look, if you're curious, I can show you how it works. You'll have to come to the HQ, though.
So it's like...the television and the robot? [Or like both of them, combined...somehow. Excuse him, he has zero tech-savvy.
There's a moment as he considers that.]
I wouldn't mind. [He's got nothing better to do anyway.]
If you drop by some afternoon, I'll install it for you. Shouldn't take long.
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