01 - Audio - Arrival

Nov 06, 2009 10:49

[The transmission is accidental. There is a sound of yawning, followed by a shuffle and some fabric rustling. It is followed by an ear scratching fall - like the object in question is skidding across the floor - then a thump.

Faint grumbles can be heard followed by a grunt and a hissed 'ow'. ]

Hah? Not mine.

[A thump. Then very, very heavy silence.]

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misa amane, akira takizawa, !spirit albarn, kimihiro watanuki, kou, scar, lenalee lee

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[ voice ] lonestray November 7 2009, 06:55:31 UTC
[Because no one's given this guy a straight answer yet and he's gotten irritated.]

The place is named Anatole. So far, no one knows a way out. Stay away from the mist. There are no trains here. I don't know what buses or airports are, though I doubt Anatole has them.

[The sentences are short and clipped, delivered in a monotone. Now that this fellow newcomer has the basics, he's on his own.]


[ voice ] 1/3 coquettescythe November 7 2009, 09:05:58 UTC
[An answer! Finally. Like he's letting go. He'll keep spamming till he gets them.]

Anatole? What is this is place? That's not a famous capital!


[ voice ] 2/3 coquettescythe November 7 2009, 09:06:52 UTC
What's in the mist? What's this mist? It's just mist! Explain yourself!


[ voice ] 3/3 coquettescythe November 7 2009, 09:08:53 UTC
Oi! Who doesn't know what a bus or an airport is?! Are you messing with me?!


Re: [ voice | xDD Scar is totally eyetwitching right now] lonestray November 7 2009, 21:24:46 UTC
Anatole is the city's name. None of us know exactly where it is relative to where we're from. None of us know how to get back. It is not normal mist. If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself, but I wouldn't advise it. There are no buses or airports where I am from. A lot of us come from worlds without such things. I am familiar with trains, but as far as I know there are none here.

[His tone is still in that same monotone as he answers each of the questions, though there's a slight edge to it because the man is asking far too many questions for his liking and he is getting annoyed.]


1/2 [ voice | he's not done! Finally, someone with good info!] coquettescythe November 8 2009, 04:25:00 UTC
Haaaaa. Did you wake up in a room too?


2/2 [voice] coquettescythe November 8 2009, 04:26:04 UTC
And what's with this mist? Is it poisonous? Be a little more specific, here!


[voice | The eyetwitching continues and Scar is regretting his helpfulness. xD] lonestray November 8 2009, 06:30:39 UTC
[A long, heavy sigh.] You ask too many damn questions.

[But he'll answer them anyway because he doubts that doing otherwise will be conducive to maintaining his sanity] Yes, I woke up in a room as well...as has everyone who's been brought here.

[And he figures he might as well answer some more potential questions before getting on the subject of the mist; the less time spent talking to this guy, the better.]

And yes, I--obviously--received the same device as you. You can stay in the room where you woke up for a month. After that you get kicked out. The currency here is known as Ivories. You came in through The Door, you can't go back through it, no one knows anything more about it.

...All right, let me put this to you bluntly. If you go into the mist unarmed, you will die. Simple as that. If you go in far enough, you'll die anyway. The mist is dangerous. There are monsters in it. It messes with your head. If you're looking to kill yourself, there are far less unpleasant ways to do so.

[And because this whole pseudo- ( ... )


[voice | stil sinking claws in to you~ XD ] coquettescythe November 8 2009, 19:22:52 UTC
[It gets more puzzling and puzzling, but by the time he's actually answering this, he's already heading out of his room and in to the streets. There is background noise of people, cars, machinery, etc. He has no idea where he is, but it's proving to be interesting.

Of course, he's going to milk everything he can get from this man.

Of course, he also knows that people who are usually in the same situation turns out fine. Seeing as this man knows more and clearly has more experience in Anatole, he's not letting him slip through his fingers so easily.]

Have you actually been in to this mist?

And I didn't walk through no door. So I am going to assume you didn't either. Now, about monetary means. You got a job? Can you hook me up? I need the money so I can go back home. I've got a little girl waiting.

And you can't break my jaw. Idle threats don't work.

What's your name, old man?


Re: [voice | xDD He totally just asked Matt if he knows how to track Forge users down ] lonestray November 8 2009, 21:56:45 UTC
[The quiet sound of growling as Scar is very rapidly losing his patience.] Yes I have, and no, I don't have any more to tell you about it than that. [A lie, but hell if he's telling this man what he saw in there. If he's fool enough to go in despite his warnings, then he'll find out for himself.]

[A heavy, protracted sigh.] Yes you did. Like everyone, you came in through The Door, the big damn stone arch in the center of the city. You passed out, and woke up in the damn room from which you are hassling me now through the communication device we all received.

No, I do not have a job and no I cannot get you a job either. [His voice softens slightly at the mention of him having a daughter, though.] I can if I find you. [He sounds decidedly less irritable, though. He has a soft spot for children.]

I am not an old man. [Totally ignoring the question, yep]


Re: [voice | Oh Scar~ ILU } coquettescythe November 8 2009, 22:43:19 UTC
[Well, then, a fat load of help this is going to be. But at the same time, it was. If he was going to lose his room in a month, then he needed to get his ass moving.]

Fine, fine, old man. [Insists.] You sound like you've been here longer, if you don't have a job then you don't have money. How the hell do you eat? Or drink? [Pauses.] Or do you break jaws for that too? [This comes out a little ... exasperated. Like he's rolling his eyes. He's usually a polite guy but it's not every day he wakes up in a foreign place that he does not remember going to. Excuse his crankiness.]

Go on, explain yourself, old man. So I can do the same or something.


Re: [voice | ...it's amazing how the daughter comment made Scar warm up to him. xDD ] lonestray November 9 2009, 00:19:33 UTC
Stop calling me an old man. [growl.] I'm probably about the same age as you.

I've only been here about five days now, all right? [No, he hasn't eaten in five days, why do you ask? 8D; ] I got the basic rundown when I came, same as you. I went and found out the details on my own.

And no, I don't make a habit of terrorizing the natives who seem to resent our very presence here. As for water...there's water fountain in the middle of the city--it's the only drinkable water in the city.

Explain what?


Re: [voice | under all that big bear attitude, Scar is truly a sweetheart.] coquettescythe November 9 2009, 03:17:14 UTC
[There is background noise of the outside world now, clear and more prominent compared to earlier. Spirit is out and walking, looking around while talking. In fact, he's heading right for the center of the city as they speak.]

Same age as me? Hell, no. I don't sound like my father in law. [Old man goes unsaid here.] Helpful as you are, you didn't answer. How are you eating? You're not stealing are you? Because geez, I'm hungry, myself and if the locals aren't being as [A rustle and a bump followed by an apology] you say, then you're my directory till I find out more of this place.


Re: [voice | ...xDD Why do I see Spirit deciding that they should be friends or something? xD] lonestray November 9 2009, 07:34:16 UTC
I am not that old! [Really...he can't sound old enough to be this guy's father. ...Can he?]

...I...uh...I haven't. [And that, that was Scar's stomach rumbling, right on cue.]

Hrn. No. Go hassle that Duncan fellow at the pub. [He sounds irritable again.] He seems more than willing to talk to us, unlike most.


Re: [voice | because he just totally did! Scar, can you hunt? :3 ] coquettescythe November 9 2009, 13:44:58 UTC
Duncan. Hmm, someone mentioned a pub. All right, am gonna go find that! Don't worry, old man. Whatever I find out, I'll make sure you know as well. Consider it my kindness to the elderly~

[He actually sounds amused as much as he sounds grateful somewhat. He does keep his word though. He really is convinced that the person on the other end of the line is an old man.]

Name's Spirit by the way. Thanks a lot by the way! Don't worry! When I figure this out, I'll get you a meal, old man. So just hold out a bit longer, okay?


Re: [voice | Apologies for the uber-late! | And he can~ On broken ribs, too. xD] lonestray November 11 2009, 08:56:12 UTC
I. Am. Not. An. Old. Man.

[A sigh, and he lets the matter drop.] Um...thanks... [This is awkward to him, Spirit being so friendly despite his own attitude. It makes him feel uncomfortable.]

Scar. [He says this in a 'take-it-or-leave-it' tone. Though, considering the man has an unusual name as well, he thinks maybe it won't get questioned.]

You're uh...you're welcome, I guess. And don't worry about it. I'm used to this--I've gone longer without food before.


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