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[Video] subrusticus_xiv May 25 2010, 17:59:56 UTC
[ Coolly. ] I would watch your words if I were you. You speak of A-llen as if you know him better than I do. But you would be right about the ‘never forgive himself part,’ because he thinks so little of himself. If he let me become who I am, what would become of his friends and his duty? So he fights me, and in the process he hurts himself. I would really spare him the pain, but…this is his choice, see?

Doesn’t need me? My, such a bold statement. [ And here he does what Noah do best-talk, giving half-truths and theories. ]

I chose him for my host. Do you know why? I did it for Mana and for A-llen. Your A-llen was a brat, so to speak, off the streets. He had no-one and nothing, and I did him a favour by giving him something. He bears an uncanny resemblance to me, after all. [ He flicks a finger toward the white hair. ] I am as human as you are, Lena-lee Lee. Don’t my feelings in this matter, too? I died in the process of trying to kill my brother.

Would you rather I chose someone else, and have Allen be just another child without a name? I doubt the Order would ever find him and his Innocence on its own.

[ ooc: Obviously, some of the things the Fourteenth is spewing is headcanon/theories not confirmed by Hoshino. ]


[Video] lenalee_lee May 26 2010, 00:22:43 UTC
Don't talk about him that way. You don't know Allen. You don't understand his heart, or you wouldn't be doing this to him. And he has something now, people who care about him!

Allen! I know you can hear me. Don't worry, I trust you, so I know you're going to be okay. And I'm going to do anything I can to see to it!


[Video] subrusticus_xiv May 26 2010, 00:36:35 UTC
[ Such accusations, and coming from a girl, of all people. He frowns then. ] I've known him for most of his life. Longer than the people he calls his friends.

What if I told you that the smile you see isn't always real? Would you still trust him? He does so many things for the Order, and what does he get in return? A order that he is too be killed if I manifested myself. A shadow trailing him. Rumours encircling him.

He worries far too much for a child, in my opinion. Worries himself sleepless for you. [ He leans forward and taps the screen. ] His friends have placed upon him a burden that he cannot deny. And in that way, he denies me.

Is that what you want?


[Video] lenalee_lee May 26 2010, 01:54:06 UTC
[She's speechless for a moment. Not because she has to think about her answer. But the things that he says...she doesn't want to hear it. It hurts. Allen's voice saying those things...it hurts. And there is a limit to the pain that a person can handle.

But this isn't it. Not for her. Not when it comes to Allen.]

Of course I trust him. I'll always trust him! I do those same things for him! And it's not a burden, it's what gives me strength! Allen...my brother and my friends, they're what keeps me going and gives me hope! And I know it's the same for him.

So you can try...try to keep me from reaching him, try to make me lose faith in him. But it's you who'll be disappointed in the end.


[Video] subrusticus_xiv May 26 2010, 02:07:59 UTC
[ A sigh. Humans and their sentiments. Oh yes, he was human, but a different sort of human, and not one to be terribly swayed by emotions. ]

I was testing your resolve. So you seem very clear on your position and on...A-llen's. It will make things harder when he is entirely gone, but...at least I can say he would be happy to hear that. As a final prayer, he would not want you to suffer, though that is not possible, is it?

He is far too attached to everything. And you are far too attached to him. [ Displeasure. ] This really does put a curve in my plans...

[ And here the Fourteenth will start to muse. He once shared those feelings, but time has muted them, and he does NOT want them back. Mana was died, the Earl was alive, and feelings would only be a distraction. ]

Lena-lee Lee, I will let you in on a secret. When Allen fully becomes me, he will have to kill someone he loves.

[ Smile. And a gleam of those golden eyes. ]

Is that you?

Would you really want him to do that?


[Video] lenalee_lee May 26 2010, 02:21:11 UTC
You're so arrogant. You're counting on being smarter and stronger than he is. You think you'll win. But you won't.

He won't do that to me. [Not the killing her part, the part about him being entirely gone.

And here's something you already know -- without him, a part of me would already be dead. So your threats don't scare me.

Allen? It's okay. I know you'll make it okay.


[Video] subrusticus_xiv May 26 2010, 13:06:37 UTC
I'm his elder. If I am not wiser and more experienced, then what would I be?

It's all about winning, isn't it? Your Order steps on people to win. At the very least, I am allowed to do the same.

[ Much faith. It would simply make a parting more difficult. ]

You trust him that much...touching, quite touching. [ Sarcasm mixed with a small amount of genuine respect. He purses his lips. ] I do hate being nice to anyone beyond family, but--

A-llen's time has not yet run out. There is very little reason for me to be here, anyway. Not unless my brother comes here.

Is that good enough for you, Miss Lee?


[Video] lenalee_lee May 26 2010, 14:09:30 UTC
[She's quiet for a moment, her voice a little softer than before.]

So let him come back.

(OOC: Oh sure, come back in time for her to freak out next. c.c; )


[Video] subrusticus_xiv May 26 2010, 14:21:04 UTC
Not possible.

He will come back when he finds the strength.

[ Smirks. ]

You want to see him bleed...is that it?

[ Just because he knows that puts a strain on his host. ]

[ ooc: Allen wants to, believe me (he wants to stab me for doing this...). But I'm not sure if it's a good idea if this is any indication. ]


[Video] lenalee_lee May 26 2010, 14:47:56 UTC

That's enough.

Why did you have to show up? Everything was so much better. And now you...


[Video] subrusticus_xiv May 26 2010, 14:52:22 UTC
He gave me an opening. And all I did was take it. [ Chuckle. ] That is all there is to it.


[Video] lenalee_lee May 26 2010, 15:06:34 UTC
[She turns off the Forge. She just can't listen to it anymore. And even though she knows it's pointless, even if the mist is acting up, she's still going out in it, still going to try to find Allen. Doing anything is better than doing nothing. Lenalee knows that from experience.]


ooc subrusticus_xiv May 26 2010, 15:14:33 UTC
hm...switch to [action]? Up to you; I know you probably have something already planned for the "maze," but I thought I'd just throw that out.


Re: ooc lenalee_lee May 26 2010, 15:27:01 UTC
I'm game for it, it's something that could work leading into the maze stuff.


ooc subrusticus_xiv May 26 2010, 15:34:21 UTC
So...how to make it work..

Guess I can go ahead with letting the 14th run about--maybe bump into Lenalee--would that work?


Re: ooc lenalee_lee May 26 2010, 15:38:37 UTC
Works for me!


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