oo4 ♖ Action/Narrative? [Locked to Arthur, or those privy to Arthur's chambers]

May 02, 2010 23:49

[Arthur's quarters, normally in various states of disarray due to Merlin's propensity to skive off on his duties, is actually pristine and orderly upon entry. The bed is made; the set of clothes Merlin had brought for Arthur cleaned and put away; even the armour is shining proudly, the intricate designs and carvings on Arthur's mail plates showing more prominently due to the polishing it's been subjected to. If one cared to look, even the illustrious dust bunnies that colonized and performed periodic warfare under Arthur's bed has been ruthlessly conquered and swept away.

What isn't readily apparent is the very faint discharge of magic left behind, especially when it's used to encompass every crevasse and corner of the room to complete its task.

What is even more obscure to those who do not know Merlin well is the touch of apology in every clean surface, for having to leave Arthur behind while he tests the limits of this place.

A note folded in the traditional missive form of Camelot is propped against one of Arthur's pillows. A carved dragon figure stands guarding the letter, though Arthur may or may not recognise it. Merlin is certain that Arthur will not grasp the significance of his leaving the figure there in Arthur's care, to be retrieved on his eventual return.

The note, when Arthur chooses to read it, is inundated with Merlin's chicken-scratch scrawl, which hopefully Arthur can decode.]

Oawv Avtulor, [:it will read. Dear Arthur, Arthur will have to translate.]

By the time you read this letter, I'll have been gone for awhile. I've no idea how long I'll be leaving for, but you shouldn't worry. Just try not to insult anyone much, stay warm, and eat well. And try to steer clear of the oily mud pools. Do you know how difficult it is to pound out some of those stains?


ps- Claiming you're not a prat doesn't make you any less of a prat, so just try not to be one. I'm sure the people here will appreciate it.

pps- Just be careful. I know the Gods will look after you, but it never hurts to be cautious.

ppps- Please keep the carving safe for me.

[[ooc eta: Forgot to add! Merlin's script and "Dear Arthur" line borrowed and adapted from "Lemon Meringue" by adelagia, I think. I'm pretty sure I spelled that right. All originality for that goes to her/him!]]


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