
May 03, 2010 06:15

Hallo! What's all this about, then? You seem to have a bit of a mist problem. Oooh, and there's definitely a bit of tension here - I mean, newcomers given their own apartment complex? Just look at the way you've distributed yourselves around the city! A brief walk taught me everything I needed to know. Outsiders aren't liked very much in Anatole, are they?

Though I'm probably not asking the right crowd, I expect all you lot want is to get home. Stranded in unfamiliar territory, it's an age old tale, practically mythic! Not that that's actually any comfort of course. Still, you're making the best of it, aren't you? And that's wonderful, it really is - so human, isn't it? Strange creatures running around, totally unfamiliar environment, hostile natives, magic mist, and what do you do? You start shops. You make tea. Oh, and you band together to fight - fighting, that's very human.

Now, I'm all for survival and self defence and there's been more than one occasion I've had to deal with the military, but I hope you're not going to take it too far. Crammed in together like this, you don't really have the room to start a proper war. So I'll be keeping an eye on that, at least until I find my TARDIS - which, speaking of, has anyone seen a police box around here? Couple of meters high, blue, St. John ambulance symbol, says 'Police Call Box' on it in - whatever language you can read, really. You couldn't miss it! Except I am missing it, quite a bit actually, so if you spot it, probably best to drop me a line.

namine, heine rammsteiner, utena tenjo, sasori, priscilla, mail "matt" jeevas, !the doctor

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