[TEXT → AUDIO] Oo7;;

Apr 04, 2010 22:10

[Private to SELF | V. Easily Hackable]

I hear there's a blade exhibition at the Folkehaven Library. I really want to go. Word has it the blades on display are functional, not just decorative. I think I could go if I paced myself, maybe spent the afternoon and evening before resting up. It would be hard to just lay around and not do anything, but I need to get out more and I really want to see it. I just need to take things one step at a time so I don't overdo it again. If I'm sick, I'm useless, and I hate being useless. If I wind up confined to my bed for a whole 'nother day, I'm going to lose it! I just don't think I'd be any less useless if I was crazy unless someone needed a target.


Still rambling. Ugh.

Who am I kidding? I'm still recovering and there are more important things I should be concerning myself with right now, like.

[ /SELF ]

[Filtered to ANGEAL, GENESIS, ZACK | Unhackable]

First off, if Sephiroth is with any one of you right now, I'd appreciate it if you didn't let him see this message. If he does, he does, but I'd rather talk to him about this in person if I'm going to. That is why this message isn't video or audio. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to type this message up in the first place, but I guess it can't be helped, so please bear with me. I'm not entirely sure how to go about this just yet.

Ugh. Really, where do I start?

For starters, this isn't about me. It's about Sephiroth. He... hasn't exactly been acting like himself lately. What I mean is, he was fine a few days ago and then there was this drastic change in his behavior... He hasn't been at the apartment a lot, if at all, and I haven't been able to get him over the Forge hardly either. He seems... really upset and I'm worried. I haven't seen him this upset before. He seemed bothered after the carnival all those months ago but not like this. He wasn't like this.

I'm not sure what's happened, if anything has happened at all. I'm not even sure I'm making sense right now. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I really don't think I am. I just I mean, I haven't known him as long as any of you, but I have known him long enough to know that there wouldn't be such a dramatic change in his behavior without something to cause it.

I want to ask him. I don't think I've done anything over the past few days that would upset him, but I thought I'd ask if you guys know anything before I do. I don't want to upset him further. I'm just worried about him, that's all.

Also, has anyone heard from Elena lately? Or Cloud? Maybe they know something...


[Private to ELENA | Semi-Easily Hackable]

Hey, Elena. When you can, get back to me okay?

We need to talk.

[ /ELENA ]

[Private to CLOUD | Semi-Easily Hackable]

Just wondering whether or not you're still here. I can't remember the last time I heard from you, but I guess that goes both ways, doesn't it? Either way, it needs to be fixed. I'd like to try sometime, if you're up for it. Just let me know.

[ /CLOUD ]

[ Someone accidentally activates the audio function just long enough for a weary yawn and an -- ]

So late already?

[ -- to be heard. Footsteps follow that grow more and more distant, then what sounds like pots and pans banging together occurs as someone vertically challenged attempts to get them down from their verily troublesome and well-hidden location amongst the topmost levels of the cupboards. There is an equally distant "OW" and "NOOOOOO!" as several go crashing to the floor with the aforementioned vertically challenged individual. A rather lengthy pause, a puffed sigh bordering a sob, an actual sob or two, and a pathetic sneeze occur before the recording times out. This is clearly not that someone's day. ]

[ OOC NOTE(s): Stricken text = thoughts / deleted. Yes, I did need to get this up and no, I could not decide upon an icon. xD ]

elena, angeal hewley, !turk knife "valeria", tallahassee, sephiroth, cloud strife

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