Voice Post (with guest star appearance by MUFFIN!)

Mar 24, 2010 13:35

[The muffins. Terribly inconvenient, completely embarrassing. Later, he will wonder just what sort of toxin they were made with (and will promptly yell at whoever brought them into the damn apartment in the first place), but for today, he’ll simply eat one. A bran one, since his dislike for sweets.

[So, yes, as the perchance for lowered inhibitions courses on through, he starts the Forge, his fingers tapping lightly at a table he’s sitting beside. He meant for a private entry, but sometimes these stupid communicators have a mind of their own (and because that’s easier to say rather than admitting one made a mistake).

[Some people punch hated rivals or get violent when their blockades are dismissed. Others sleep with crushes or declare undying love. Sasuke Uchiha… he just talks.]

This wasn’t supposed to happen. [A sigh.] Enemies, they’re supposed to be enemies, and instead I’ve shacked up down the hall. Ridiculous. I used to tell myself that Itachi would laugh at how pathetic I am for this, but I almost think he approves. I don’t know how he can, not after everything that’s happened, but…


[For a man of such few words and supposed lack of feelings, Sasuke is vocal today. Marginally.]

World’s End. I think of it sometimes. The people mostly, especially the other Uchiha kid I met there; it’s him I think of the most. I had started to get complacent, and when I did, I rebelled. It happens here. Complacency is not an option; I have things to do, and still…

I willingly made that sacrifice. I can’t be distracted, but I am. And the only person I can blame is myself.

[A growl this time, along with a kick of some poor, unsuspecting inanimate object.]

I don’t want to fight the team. Not because I don’t think I can win -there’s no question about that-but…because I don’t. And, with this killer around, I find myself-- [He stops, then sighs, choking the offending sentiment out.] -- worried about them. Both of them. Three, if you count Itachi, though I trust him to handle himself accordingly.

[He mutters and muses.]Though, he was killed in World’s End. Almost the same circumstance.

Dammit. [Another sigh.]

And then there is the matter of Sasori. What Kankuro said. This business with Sakura and that guy. Rumor. Must be.

I feel left in the dark on the matters, and I want the light. People know things that I don't.

I should be in the neighborhood of the clinic these few nights. Pure accident. I’ll walk her home.

[There’s a careful silence, before...] I won’t let some random killer take something else from me.

[And with that, the communicator turns off. Stupid muffin.]

mello "mihael" keehl, !sasuke uchiha

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