[ 13 - video ]

Mar 16, 2010 15:59

[The video clicks on to the image of Kaien, looking cheerful and grinning broadly again, unlike the sheepish awkwardness from the last transmission. The sound of carnival music can be heard in the background, and he's holding a a blue stuffed rabbit with long floppy ears slung over his shoulder.]

How's everyone enjoying the festival? I know we're all busy with all sorts of things but this is a nice way to relax and enjoy ourselves for a bit, don't you think? I went on the balloon ride a bit earlier--it was a lot of fun.

Looks like we have a lot of new arrivals again, too. To those of you I haven't had the chance to talk to yet, I'm Kaien Shiba. Welcome, and hopefully we're all tolerable enough to make your stay here bearable. [a little laugh]

[He raises his right hand, displaying the bright green string on his thumb] So, onto the infamous thread--anyone matching? [He sounds actually pretty cheery about the whole thing.]

Oh, Namine--I won this little guy at one of the games. [He gestures to the stuffed rabbit]

I'd like you to have it. A little stuffed companion for Shell, in case he ever gets lonely. [grin grin]

namine, nate "near" river, !kaien shiba

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