[ 11 - video ]

Feb 17, 2010 15:54

[The image that the Forge's camera settles on is not the happy one that is so usual of him. How could it be with the most recent of the victims? And right after that party too. Just as people were doing something to try and lift their spirits because of how grim everything seemed...

He looks pretty deep in thought, and the Forge catches a few mumbled words before he really pays attention to the recording.]

...I can't believe...they got Priscilla too.

Well, you guys all know by now about Priscilla. We can only hope she'll come back like the other guy did, I guess. I've got to say I agree with Arthur about nobody going out alone anywhere, though. Priscilla actually contacted me before her death about having found someone to cover my second Patrol shift, so since I have the extra free time, if anyone needs someone to travel with, you can give me a call.

I also think it's even more important now, to spar and train with each other and gain more experience. I know it's tempting to think that it might be one of us behind all this, but we're all we've got right now. We have to trust each other if we're gonna survive at all. If anyone wants to help me come up with a training schedule, that'd be great.

Don't give up, everybody. We can get through this. We have to.

aang, merlin, !kaien shiba

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