
Feb 13, 2010 00:47

[The audio crackles a little bit, or maybe it's something in the background rustling - paper, perhaps. And then, a soft sigh. When she speaks, her voice is soft, too.]

This place isn't right. It's one thing to bring people in here against their will, but then to torment them with pieces of their home, their own memories? Is that really what we're here for?

[A pause. Even the crackling stops.]

Everyone's so angry and upset. I wish there was someone who could help us.

[Private to Nagi]

Nagi, I'm sorry, but I need some time off from work. I know it's a little abrupt but I'm... I don't think I'm fit to come in right now. I promise I'll make every minute of it up to you and the others when I return.

[Here, her voice sounds stiff, like she's taking extra care not to let any weakness through.]

!nina fortner/anna liebert, zack fair, mihael "mello" keehl, nate "near" river, rorschach, nagi "owl" kengamine

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