{Voice/Video - 03}

Oct 27, 2009 12:12

[There is a half a second of heavy breathing before Sakura speaks. Her words come out quickly, yet calmly. Matter-of-fact, but with a sharp edge of urgency.]

Be careful if you go outside today.

I don't know if any of you saw--I'm sure you heard it. [Pretty hard not to.] It looked like... [just the barest pause, as if she can't quite believe she's saying it] a dragon. It's gone now, but it left some of these behind:

[The video turns on, and the following can be seen: an enormous snake, as big around as a tree and as long as a house is wide. Not only is it far too big to be a normal snake, there are leathery wings sprouting from it's back--no, definitely not normal. The shape of the head is difficult to discern, because that has been completely caved in by some kind of blunt object. Blood is still running from the wound.

The Forge turns, and there's a quick glance of Sakura--sweaty, dirty, and with a serious expression on her face--to be had before she switches back to voice.]

There are more of them, I'm not sure how many. If you can't defend yourself, I strongly urge you to stay inside.

If you can... there are several fires in the area around that gate we came through. Now might be the time to organize those people who wanted to help so we can put the fires out.

If anyone gets bitten by one of these things, let me know immediately. They might be venomous, and I have medical training.

Kakashi-sensei, we could really use some Suiton jutsu right now.

!sakura haruno, tifa lockhart, mail "matt" jeevas

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