001. [voice]

Feb 07, 2010 03:38

My, my, really now, how dreadfully third-rate, being plopped in another world like this with no suitable explanation! Truly this is something out of a mediocre sci-fi plotline, don’t you think so, everyone? More so than that, it seems we have a case on our hands, isn’t that correct? Honestly, Natsuhi-san, this doesn’t seem like quite your style now, does it? Of course not; unless you so happen to have relatives in distant places that I, Erika Furudo, am unaware of! There’s simply no way that can be possible, though. I, for one, won’t allow it. *giggle**giggle*

But where’s my Master? Surely this is an assignment of the utmost importance-here we have a third-rate mystery just waiting to be solved, as well as the token detective on the scene! Don’t you worry, Master, I won’t fail you!

I’ll be extremely unhappy if this proves too simple, though-it’s no fun if there’s no challenge involved, after all; and given how painfully obvious Natsuhi-san made herself it would be refreshing to have a nice change of pace. But where is that idiot, Battler? I won’t allow him to get off easy after embarrassing me and disproving my theory like that! Just death won’t be enough to sate my anger toward him, you hear! Anything less won’t do! Hah, what do you think? Two sandcastles, side by side, with a princess and a prince destined to be married and rule over the kingdom. That would be romantic, wouldn’t you agree? Shouldn’t there be a nice little moat, as well? That is, so long as the tide doesn’t succeed in washing them away, tearing our two lovers apart! Now that would be tragic! *cackle*

*giggle**giggle* No way, that’s so incredibly third-rate! Don’t make me laugh! It’s exactly like something out of a lame fairytale. How pathetic!

!erika furudo, mihael "mello" keehl, leon scott kennedy, arthur pendragon, makoto kubota

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