oo4 audio

Jan 28, 2010 07:42

-- mpossible.

[ yeah, that voice should sound familiar. it's everyone's favorite conspiracy theorist, BACK FROM THE DEAD TO GIVE BITCHES HELL, because -- he's pissed. super pissed. like, extremely pissed.

and that should be obvious, because there's a pause, and then the horrible, awful sound of the microphone of the communicating device being slammed up against a concrete wall, ground into the hard surface. it stops abruptly after a minute or so, and he's breathing, labored, hard.

totally not giving a shit about all the new monsters/creatures/FLUFFY BUNNIES, they can go screw themselves, ok. ]

Will you not let me rest?

[ he sounds -- offended. to say the least. insulted. :|

the sccrhcchch sound of the communicator being slid down the wall, and then altair's voice sounds closer, nearer, as he brings it toward himself. ]

How great is your city now, I wonder?

I will not stand for this.

[ rushing air as the communicator is dropped, and then promptly stepped on, smashed hard into the dirt until the transmission cuts off. HISSY FIT, GET. ]

desmond miles, damon salvatore, aang, kaien shiba, mihael "mello" keehl, sasori, !altaïr ibn-la'ahad

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