
May 12, 2011 11:58

When: May 11 - 14.
Where: All purpose district 1 & 2, the carnival.
Warnings: Will be individually marked if necessary ( Read more... )

stephanie brown, river tam, heine rammsteiner, mei chan, john, freya, irene, yachiru kusajishi, rex salazar, kurogane, scar, buffy summers, nymphadora tonks, lust, rapunzel, shirley, meguro gau, spike, remus lupin, dawn summers, arthur pendragon, desmond miles, byakuya kuchiki, fai d. flourite, miki sayaka, deneve, riza hawkeye

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DAY FOUR - THE MELEE - FLIGHT OF THE DERP girl_unlocking May 12 2011, 16:44:19 UTC
[Those of you that have trained Dawn (and egads there have been a lot of you) may recognize some of your hard work on the field if you aren't too busy participating in the melee, yourselves.

So she's probably not supposed to be switching up her technique so much, or using all of them at the same time, but dammit she is just so excited and THIS IS SO MUCH FUN, YOU GUYS.

Have an excited cry of boooyeah! as she fells one opponent (holy shit, you guys did you just see that?) followed by a quick wince as she's caught between a flail and a facepalm. Did she really just say booyeah out loud? Suddenly though, any embarrassment is yesterday's news because who knew Sebastian could fight!?

The momentary lapse of her attention is enough for an unseen opponent to knock her back with enough force that she is now IN THE AIR, her flowy sleeves a sail of bright blue as she heads straight toward the edge of the crowd. Things are complicated by the fact that once launched, she tries to do what anyone would do if they found themselves in a similar situation. A backflip! No? You wouldn't? Well, she would! SO TRYING TO MAKE A GRAND EXIT, HERE. Maybe it will look like she flipped on purpose! (What? She's seen Buffy do it, it can't be that freaking ha---)

Yeah, no. Now her feet are caught in her dress.

Hitting a bystander near you in 3...2...1...

Hello, Heine.]


stray_gunner May 12 2011, 22:16:52 UTC
[standing by the arena with his arms crossed. he's only kind of paying attention, distracted by the crowds of people and not even sure why he's here.

none of this works to his advantage when Dawn attempts a backflip and promptly crashes into him.

his first reaction is OHSHITOHSHIT SOMEONE'S TOUCHING ME. the second reaction is something along the lines of OH SHIT IT'S A GIRL and he almost trips over his own feet (and Dawn's dress) when he tries to stumble backwards. actually? scratch that 'almost.' he definitely tripped. ouch.]


girl_unlocking May 12 2011, 23:16:39 UTC
[Oh my go---



What the---

---is that a hand?! N-no that's a foot, and---]


[Spitting her hair out of her mouth now, OH MY GOD SHE LANDED ON A PERSON. And people saw. If they hadn't seen before, they definitely did now. Oh god.

Oh ...ouch.

She's so sorry, person, about her elbow and your...]



stray_gunner May 13 2011, 00:00:44 UTC
[VERY RUDELY tries to shove her off. he's kind of freaking out, even if it's mostly contained in his head. for the moment.]

Get - get off of me.

[hrrrrrrk, okay, trying to get to his feet. he fell on his back and it kind of still hurts.]

Yes. Me.



girl_unlocking May 13 2011, 01:36:50 UTC
I'm trying!

[She's shoving now, too. Because GOD, HEINE, PEOPLE ARE LOOKING. And these sleeves just do not want to cooperate and you weren't even in the melee.]

It's not like I planned to---ow. [Do you have to be so ...sharp? And those rings? They feel not very good when being slammed into. Which, on second thought is probably why you wear them, but...

...she scrambles to her feet, brushing herself off (god she hates these sleeves right now)and rubbing at her shoulder as she calls back over it.]

I'm fine, you guys! Totally---


[Glaring right back at you.]

I fell on you.


stray_gunner May 13 2011, 01:50:21 UTC

And she's right, that's part of the reason behind the rings the other is that they look ~pretty~. He's pretty bony, too. Comes from not eating on a regular basis.

Nnnngh. Still rather unsteady on his feet.]

Yeah. Glad you noticed.

[Frowning and dusting off his pants. Right now, he's regretting coming to this event even more.]


girl_unlocking May 13 2011, 02:02:32 UTC
I fell on you!




I'm ...disqualified.

This is so not how I imagined flying.


stray_gunner May 13 2011, 02:05:43 UTC
[...oh. That too.]

Be more careful next time.

[Tiny amused smirk at that.]

That wasn't flying.


girl_unlocking May 14 2011, 03:21:54 UTC

Careful? Careful is like...

...you are so the opposite of care---

[Suddenly turning!]

---is there a ringprint in my back? God. You got your peanut butter in my chocolate. Or your chocolate in my---

[Huff is now snort. Of all the ways to get disqualified, really.]


stray_gunner May 14 2011, 03:26:47 UTC
[yes, WELL. he tends to be reckless even at the best of times.

and he's also very confused by what she's saying. ringprint? peanut butter? chocolate? WHAT'S GOING ON.]

What that hell are you talking about.

[lineface. but...]

...it's not my fault you got knocked out of the ring.


girl_unlocking May 15 2011, 03:28:10 UTC
I never said it was your fault. It--

--it's the fault of whoever tried to launch me to the moon, which, did you happen to see who that was, even?!

It's a thing. You know, peanut butter cups? Don't tell me they don't have Reese's peanut butter cups where you come from.

Anyway, it's not. Your fault. It's kind of mine, because I was watching Sebastian, and well, he's so tall, and I just didn't think he could fight, because he's a butler and...

[Trails off. Thinks for a moment, and:]

...actually, I'd probably be thanking you.


stray_gunner May 15 2011, 22:09:24 UTC

[mostly because he wasn't actually paying attention, but DETAILS, PSHHH.

Still unsure!face because even if there are peanut butter cups, he certainly wouldn't eat them.]

Who's - [Sebastian? then he thinks better of it and cuts himself off.

...what. thank him?] Why?


girl_unlocking May 19 2011, 01:50:19 UTC

Because you totally caught me, dumbass. If not for you I'd probably have a broken...

...something or other right now. Can you break a head? As in I just broke by head? Because yeah, that. I'd have a broken head.

Instead, you broke my fall. You're like ...my hero.

[Yes. A very grumpy, scowly hero.]

More of an antihero, actually, if I had to...



stray_gunner May 19 2011, 21:52:45 UTC
[roughly three-fourths of what she's saying is going right over his head. he composes a blank face and waits for the wave of babble to stop. it does occur to him that she hadn't talked nearly as much the last time they'd met.]

How about neither?


You'd be fine. Eventually.


/slides in this tag ALSO THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN *MY* HEAD :NOT *BY* girl_unlocking June 24 2011, 00:13:36 UTC
[The wave of babble never really ends. But now she's kind of huffing.]

Well, you're not a villain, or just ...some dude.

And probably, you're right. But since you broke my fall, eventually is pretty much now.

I owe you a milkshake.


/sliiiides in too stray_gunner June 24 2011, 00:49:09 UTC
[some dude. okay, he can live with that.]


[uh, what. how did that happen?]

I don't want one.


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