kame/kame, an angstless OTP

Dec 28, 2010 12:55

...I think it's pretty fitting that the first drabbles I manage to write in this fandom end up being Kame/Kame...

Kyouhei thinks he's dreaming when he sees a slim figure approaching him, dressed in a shimmery red kimono so out of place amongst the drab buildings shadowed by nightfall. The figure draws closer and Kyouhei gasps as he recognises the features identical to his own, crooked nose and curvy lips and all. Except the look-alike's lips are painted a matching shade of scarlet red and his (her?) eyes are hooded in an expression that Kyouhei can't ever recall making before. It makes the hairs at the nape of his neck stand on end.

The figure is less then a few meters away and drawing nearer now. Kyouhei's not sure why he hasn't walked away yet; it is after dark after all and this stranger could be a criminal for all he knows, but the liquid sway of approaching hips keep him preoccupied and rooted to the spot. Finally the stranger stands in front of him and Kyouhei moves his eyes to the look-alike's face. This up close, Kyouhei really starts to believe he's dreaming. It's as if he's looking at a broken mirror; what's reflected back is familiar yet entirely different. Kyouhei, but not Kyouhei. For the first time, Kyouhei sees what the legions of his admirers see when they look at him. The look-alike is beautiful. More than beautiful.

For a moment, Kyouhei hates himself. To think he's standing here staring at a complete stranger in the middle of the street, something he's been subjected to all his life, something he tries and fails to escape from, something he loathes with all his being. "Sorry," he says gruffly and side steps the stranger to continue on his way home. He's stopped by a small hand enclosing around his wrist and a whisper in his ear.


Kyouhei glances back at scarlet lips that slowly quirk up into a promising smile.

"Please..." The voice is sultry and lilting, the smile daring. Without his own accord, Kyouhei's hand comes up to swipe at the streak of blood red lipstick smeared along the stranger's jaw.

Kyouhei stays.

(spiralled from this convo. you should all join capslock_turtle  btw. ;))

And then cease11 had to go and be amazing and write these two Kame/Kame ficlets, which lead to...

"Want some?" Kyouhei asked innocently, waving the bread roll under Kosaku's nose and upon seeing Kosaku's eager nod of 'yes', retracting it quickly with a mocking laugh. "Too bad~ Too ba--oomph!"

Kosaku, the stupid freak, had jumped over the table and straight into his lap, toppling his chair over with a loud thwack. Kyouhei didn't need a mirror to see the giant bump swelling at the back of his head; the splitting ache was enough.

"Son of a--what the hell are you doing?!" he yelled at the idiot who was still on top of him. He was just about to reach over and gift him with a punch the idiot's coach would be proud of, when it occured to him that he had Kosaku in his lap. An armful of warm, bouncy Kosaku.

Maybe today was his day, Kyouhei thought as his pulse quickened and he made to grab Kosaku's shirt. Only to miss as Kosaku moved away with a chirpy 'aha!' and crawled off Kyouhei's lap, leaving Kyouhe cold and bereft, his hopes shattered.

Realizing his hand was still reaching out into the air, Kyouhei gave an embarassed cough and sat up just in time to see Kosaku plop the entire bread roll -now smushed after the fall, not that that would faze the glutton- into a his mouth with a happy hum of pleasure. Not the kind Kyouhei was hoping for, today.

"I hate you," Kyouhei hissed and sent him the seething glare he'd used to frighten off several of his more larger, persistent admirers.

Kosaku, smiling brightly with his cheeks popping out like some mutant chipmunk's, returned it with a peace sign.

(born from this convo and prompted by this gif)

Putting this out there to spread the hotness that is Kame/Kame and to prepare you guys for my next post, just so you're not all "wth did this come from?" lol. Consider yourself warned.

too busy embarrassing myself, kame/kame, drabble

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