50 sentences; kameda (2/5)

Aug 02, 2016 23:13


#11 - Name
Blond hair, blue eyes, a fanged metal tooth piercing his ear and spikes circling his neck-all of his efforts at being estranged and dangerous are for naught when Kamenashi bounds up to him and in his squeaky prepubescent voice, calls, “Tat-chan.”

#12 - Sensual
It was strange, Kame thought as his gaze stayed fixed on Ueda as he side-stepped and swerved, sprite feet moving to the beat of focused aggression, muscles agile and rippling and raw-it was strange how Ueda couldn’t dance on stage but was a master of co-ordination-of strikes and thrusts, blood between his teeth-in the ring.

#13 - Death
“Are you sure?” Kame asks and in the dark of Ueda’s bedroom, Ueda can see little more than his outline, the familiar, steady shoulders and the eyes looking down and straight at him, piercing through his naked chest, and Ueda is trembling, bedsheets fisted in his palms, but at this point, Kame might as well be the grim reaper because Ueda would surrender anything to make this night, this moment right here, happen.

#14 - Sex
There’s fog-no, steam-swirling hot steam escaping from their heated skin and Kame can’t see, can only feel-feel the need clenching his teeth, feel Ueda’s own attacking his neck-feel the yearning throb in his chest and the air-the empty nothing-that meets his lips when he leans in and Ueda backs away-“that’s not who we are”-and even with Ueda’s hands working at his belt, the steam begins to evaporate like smoke from a dying fire.

#15 - Touch
Ueda had always been more of an animal person than a people person; he’d wrap himself around dogs but the thought of hugging another person, even Nakamaru, made him balk-until the day tiny Kamenashi came around and suddenly Ueda became a big fan of hugs and arms hooked at the elbows if it would spare his butt from those damned lonely hands.

#16 - Weakness
Kame seemed genuinely busy with a phone pressed to his ear and papers strewn about him, and while Ueda felt a little sorry for him as he pulled off his coat, Ueda had spent an entire day (not to mention a ridiculous amount of money) putting together this outfit and he deserved some attention for it, which he got the moment his coat hit the floor, Kame’s voice trailing off as his eyes scanned him, narrowing in recognition and something… hot, “Hey listen, I’ll call you back… are you wearing Lucien Pellat-Finet?”

#17 - Tears
“Here,” Ueda sighed as he waved another tissue at Kame who was quivering on the couch next to him, his toes curling by Ueda’s thigh and his face contorting in a way that reminded Ueda that democracy wasn’t always beautiful, “this is why I don’t let you pick the movies.”

#18 - Speed
All speed and no finesse, that had always been Ueda’s style; he’d move infuriatingly fast, more agile than anyone, but there was no coordination to his movements, no polish, and maybe that’s why Kame had become addicted-it was Ueda’s unassuming spontaneity that foiled him.

#19 - Wind
Ueda loves outdoor filming; sure, the weather can be horrific, but he lives for the moments when Kame frets over his hair-quick fingers smoothing down bangs and self-conscious glances thrown at cameras-only to have the wind transform him into a scarecrow once again-justice.

#20 - Freedom
“So this was a nice night-a nice date, they’d call it,” Kame says with a twitch of his lips; his breath smells like wine and possibility and there’s a moment that hangs between them where Ueda thinks, fuck it-his arm ready to wrap around Kame and pull him in-but there’s a shriek from the other side of the street and soon there will be cameras and a crowd, and the night ends with a helpless shrug of their shoulders because this is the life they chose.


kameda, drabble

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