50 sentences, kameno flavoured (I can't believe it's been a year since I did this last)

Nov 08, 2015 19:06

Last time I did the 50 sentences challenge with theme set gamma for nakame which was very fun! :D And since I know people are craving kameno, I thought why not try them out for the alpha theme set. As before, I'll post them in batches of 10 as I go along. Hope you all enjoy it <3

#01 - Comfort
In the still silence that follows, Junno only has to glance to the side to see Kame’s quaking shoulders for the cold to disperse and be replaced by the comfort that at least someone gets it.

#02 - Kiss
“I… I-this was a joke, right?” Kame asks, head foggy and lips still warm, like he was kissed by sunshine itself, and Taguchi laughs with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.

#03 - Soft
There are dozens of fan theories about why he changes his hair so often-new projects, a launch into the K-pop scene-but it’s Kame’s curious fixation with stroking his neck that has Junno trimming his hair every week.

#04 - Pain
In the hospital, with his leg immobile and his future being ripped away from him, Junno gives his widest, brightest smile when he asks, so who’ll be the new T? and the pain finally hits when Kame-aiming for the top, have to be at the top, will be at the top, Kame-tells him, we’ll wait, as if Junno ending his own career isn’t enough.

#05 - Potatoes
“Don’t ever call me that again,” Kame says, eyebrows angled so steeply that they could slide down his face, and Junno decides against mentioning that, as per Nakamaru, sweet potato was a term of endearment.

#06 - Rain
“Why didn’t you get someone to drive you over?” Kame asks, shaking his head bemusedly as he towels Taguchi’s hair until it looks like a sheep fell into a pot of ink and curled up on his head, and Taguchi’s eyes blink down at him, round with innocence, “I could have… but two’s a company and three’s a cloud.”

#07 - Chocolate
He finds a small golden box scribed with Happy Valentine’s in flowing, romantic swirls and no name to be found in his bag, but Junno has a hunch and so he walks into the dressing room with one of the chocolates in his mouth, comments on how he doesn’t like sweets much, and is immediately met with Kame’s frown and a mutter of, “it’s supposed to be dark.”

#08 - Happiness
There’s something that’s annoyingly contagious about Taguchi, something that isn’t his booming too-loud voice or his too-tall height or even his too-punny jokes, something that crawls under Kame’s skin and doesn’t itch per se, but tickles; something that makes Kame laugh and smile without remembering-why?

#09 - Telephone
It takes seventeen text messages and three missed phone calls for Junno to finally get a reply, and when he does, it’s a single text message with a single orange-not pink, red, blue or purple, but orange-heart and nothing else, and it’s enough to fuel Junno’s smile for a month.

#10 - Ears
He’s seen all of Kazuya before, both at his most intimate and most distant, and while Junno finds him distracting most of the time as it is, catching sight of Kazuya strutting past him with a small hoop earring glinting like a lure is enough to undo him, because in the next second when he has Kazuya’s back against the wall, Kazuya meets him with a smirk that’s equally taunting and tells Junno that he knows.

notice how I start with short, actual sentences that grow longer and longer...whoops >.>;

kameno, drabble

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