potato naaaaaaaa~

Aug 11, 2013 20:42

Title: Playing For Keeps
Pairing/Group: Junno/Kame (aka KameNo aka Lame2), a healthy dose of KAT-TUN with cameos by NEWS and Yamapi.
Rating: T for tease PG-13
Word Count: 18.7k
Warnings: crack gone semi-serious, fairytale AU, humour of the shameless variety, implications of… adult activities, cross-dressing, undressing, death threats galore, too many implied pairings to keep track of, fandom in-jokes
Notes: Co-written with the fantastic midoriloft ♥ (together we are Team Banana & Potato Minions!) for the 2013 je_devilorangel challenge. Our prompt was nashi and the original post can be found here. This fic is based loosely on The Master Thief, Brothers Grimm variant. Enjoy!

Summary: Hide your daughters (and sons), Taguchi Junnosuke is the infamous Flash, master thief extraordinaire capable of stealing more than your precious gems, but also your hearts. Meanwhile, in the kingdom where things are oft’ pear-shaped, King Kamenashi is convinced that the Flash is after his crown jewels (the precious gem kind) and plots to put an end to this threat once and for all. Little does the King realise that it is not just his jewels (at least not the precious gems kind) that the Flash is interested in.

Part 1 | Part 2

kameno, ilu ♥, fic

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