reposting at last! orz

Nov 12, 2011 17:03

Title: Wish Upon a Wishing Stone
Pairing: Akame
Word count: 33.7K
Rating: PG-13
Genre/Warnings: Fluff/Humour/Angst
Notes: This fic was originally written for debrogliewave (♥) during the 2011 round of the kizuna_exchange, which I enjoyed thoroughly, and was beta-ed by krysyuy. ♥ (first posted here)

Summary: A single wish and memories of a broken bond insert themselves into the ( Read more... )

come - let me bore you, made of fal, akame, my thoughts are rambling, fic

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krysyuy November 13 2011, 02:25:55 UTC
I know I bitch and moan about AK (and am annoyingly passive aggressive about it - how do you put up with me again?), but truthfully, I absolutely adored your fic and wish I had your natural talent for writing. Just, the idea behind the wishing stones and having past!Akame interact with present!Akame was brilliant. Plus Josh got what was coming to him, which I will always fully support. HA. I must say chibi!Akame was perhaps my favorite part of the fic. I didn't read the other entries in the exchange, but I have no doubt that your piece was among the best there, and I know AK fandom has a quite a bit of talent (~forever jealous~).

because I didn't even realise my fic had any major angst in the first place.
You're cute.

Also, it was my pleasure to help out and I'd gladly do it again if the need arises. It was actually quite a treat to get each piece, even though I know you were stressed out to the extreme. Btw, I still remember thinking that Ryoko needing thread at the end of the prologue-ish beginning was brilliant because of the red string of fate thing. And then you said that wasn't intentional? lol I forget if you just had thread or if you added red thread afterward. Either way... ~Fate~ ahaha

♥ you lots. ヽ( ゜ 3゜)ノ -hugs!-


scorch66 November 13 2011, 03:13:06 UTC
I am making a face at the last bit of your first sentence. an ugly wth face. :| #tsking And I don't mind your complaining at all, bb ♥ At the moment, the only akame I can handle is the chibi version so it's all good I moan about them in my mind when it gets too much lol. hdskjk I remember your glee at the Josh abuse XD I can't believe that was the seed that started this entire fic. Josh was my muse. #dies fhjdsk sputters YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TURN THE FLATTERY AROUND ON ME. THIS IS A KRYS APPRECIATION POST. FOLLOW THE RULES, EEYORE. LOVE YOURSELF :| ♥♥♥ #ilu

It was kinda hilarious how, when I reread the fic afterwards, I was wincing and going aaaaah! I can't believe I went there. it huuuuurts I don't know the power of my own angst and to think this was the happier plot I conjured for k_x XD

Really now~? are you suuuuure? :B #50kAkamecomingyourway :B dhsjk I was probably stressing you out to the extreme too, what with my random tense changes and gazillion typos. ilu ♥ AH! I remember this! I originally had green thread and you were like, 'i see what you did thurr. don't want to be too obvious with the red, huh? B)' and I went '.......O.O! red thread of fate it is! *cuddles your brilliant mind*' #goodtimes

Right back at ya~ ♥ ^__~\m/


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