Raindrops on roses.

Jun 24, 2009 17:57

I've been gone a pretty long time. I'm staying up at my parent's house until the beginning of the fall semester. They don't have internet, which can be extremely bothersome. On the other hand, I'm keeping busy so it's okay. The real reason I'm posting today isn't to tell everyone where I've been. I just had one of those moments where time kind of stops. The moment where you can't worry about anything.

You see, my aunt just had corrective surgery on her eye. No big deal, she's had it before, but she was staying with me and my folks for two days. Upon driving my aunt to her post surgery checkup the day after, my dad finds an antifreeze leak on the car, so we have my grandma come over with hers. I just dropped my grandmother off, then my aunt, and was on my way to my apartment to take care of a few things before heading home. Maybe miss some of the traffic.

So, there I was sitting in traffic, just listening to music. I thought, "well, I might as well be nice and let these people keep merging into my lane as we're not going anywhere." So, I keep a cars length as we're going 5 mph down the interstate, and this car beside me turns on their blinker. I look over and time froze for a second or two. The female driver in the other car looks at the same time, and bright blue eyes with a couple piercings, dirty blond hair makes eye contact. I nod, and she merges into my lane. Things go on about as usual.

However, that moment is still there.
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