I've been good, and I'm slightly bored.

Jan 22, 2008 23:29

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog w/ 10 weird, random things, facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names & why you chose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment or message saying "You're It!" and telling them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me back, let me know when you've posted your blog so I can see your answers.

1) I have 9/10ths of my music collection's lyrics memorized, but I hate remembering names for history courses.
2) If I'm at my computer, I will compulsively check the same 15-20 sites over and over again while I'm talking to people unless something else to do pops up.
3) I use the same hair brush I've used since as far back as I can remember. I'm not sure why, but other brushes don't feel right. I should probably search for a new one.
4) There are two things that drive me totally crazy attracted to girls. If the girl has blue eyes or a singing voice, I'll be all over that in an instant.
5) Every month, the movie channels get their new sets of movies, and if I have free time to watch, I'll watch the same two or three movies all the time until the movie channels change their list again.
6) Way back in high school I had to use a composition book for a chemistry project, which I hated. Ever since, I have used composition books for all of my classes so as to take notes and be able to look back at them if needed.
7) I hold my left hand in the small of my back, and have since I joined marching band. It all sprang from parade rest, and having to stand there like that, but I thought it was very dignified and polite to do so.
8) I tend to walk on every other tile in grocery stores, or try to walk on certain colors to this day. Silly OCD tendencies.
9) I have a futon because I like sleeping on couches. It makes me feel safer with the back of a couch there.
10) I used to have a speech impediment, where all my s sounds would be sh sounds.

Okay, listing:
Anthony! Good old roomy/brother. How's it hanging?
Anne! You always seem bored/needing of distractions :P
Omar! Californians need love, too.
Catherine! I haven't talked to you in a little while. This is kind of like conversation.
Shoe! Again, Californians need love, too, and you totally got some awesome letters from little kids you need to tlel the world about.
DeVito! I'm pretty sure you read these still, so here's to me taking a shot at making you write :P
John! I dunno, maybe you might need a distraction also?

Eh, I figure that'll do.
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