(no subject)

Nov 07, 2004 23:54

you all made lots of entries this weekend. it must be something about this time of year- i think people are generally very reflective this time of year, maybe more so than in the first few days of the new year.
i have been tending to spend great wads of time lying about on furniture day dreaming about how wonderful it will/would be to go back to mon ami; adelaide. i feel like i might have cleared out some of the ill-feeling i had with regards my family this year by spending it with them. it's like 'oh yeah, i know how that goes', or 'yeah I remember now...'

i finally picked up my new Andrea & Joen shoes from Wanderlust. they are good.
i tried to go out last night because i thought, 'my car is not registered so i might as well go out and get drunk and get a taxi home' but my dance partner left me high and dry when she went home early. it's probably a good thing. or something.

finally got the Ozomatli CD off someone. there's been a lot of music sharing lately at work, which i'll take the credit for cultivating for. i burnt someone my Life without Buildings cd and i gave someone a hip hop mix cd and marcos leant me several cds including danny krivit and those underwater compilations that i always look at in the store; the one mixed by darren emerson is the best.

i can;t believe it's less than a week til my first exam yadda yadda yadda. complacency etc.
i just want summer to be grande and have everything be OK. i want everything to be memories already. already stashed and burnt into pages, kept. already golden. why am i trying to 'get past' life. it will be OK.
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