Oct 19, 2004 19:42
an update is in order.
i finished my last assignment for the semester omg wow and it is so good to be alive right now folks, i gotta tell ya. the forecast is for major booze at amplifier this weekend as well as much guilt-free sleep.
i dont know what to wear, which reminds me, what is the official position on buying shoes from betts and betts? what if someone recognises where i got the shoes from? there's some brain for food ...eerrr.
but i did buy 'coral' coloured shorts today (i can't reveal my source, it's too shocking) and they are fabulous. i love colours. sometimes i think about colours too much when i drive and suddenly i'm back in 'nam and they're pop pop popping ammo at me and i lose control.
mother insists on taunting me about the possibility of relocating to melbourne. it's not going to happen it's not going to happen it's not going to happen, do not get hopes up. god, can you imagine. NO. NO NO NO.aint gonna happen.
it's an OC night tonight which is awesome. i can;t believe i get guilt free TV. so good.
holy shit. i feel like a teenager.
most retarded entry ever.