Sep 08, 2006 23:44
Look at my subject line. Looklooklook. (Yes, I am inordinately proud of coming up with that, why do you ask?)
I had to go see Beer Fest today. I can't say no to my friends. I don't think I'm spoiling anyone when I say that it was utterly dire. A warning came up at the beginning: If you drink this much beer, YOU WILL DIE. It forgot to add that: If you are the sort of person who wants to drink that much beer, YOU MIGHT AS WELL BE DEAD, YOU AMOEBA.
Then again, I did have a laugh at all the (inadvertent, I am absolutely certain) fanservice. What's a z-job, does anyone know? It irritated me that I don't. I know what fisting is, for Christ's sake. If z-job turns out to be made up, heads will roll.
So I have to go now and cleanse my brain by watching Centre Stage. It is one of my favourite films and it's on terrestrial! But at 11:50, because RTE sucks like that. Ireland is a really shit place to live if you want to do anything other than drink. Be told.
just don't trip over the furniture